3Speak adds COVID-19 to Community list

in COVID-194 years ago


You can now find this community directly on 3Speak. Just click on Communities and another bar will appear. Thank you @threespeak for this exposure. Hope this projects will continue to dwell!

Note: you can directly add your 3Speak to the Covid-19 community.

Unbenannt 3.JPG


Hey Felix! I've been wondering if I should give 3speak a try. Can you do livestreaming with it? And how do you hook it up to your Hive account?

hey jackie,

you should give it a try. uploads are smooth. Livestream is enabled but i think as long you cant send superchats with HIVE tokens wont be used much.

In order to login you need an account ON @threespeak which you then link with your Hive account via Private key (one time interaction, you DONT have to link accounts every time you upload).

On 3Speak you can directly post TO communties. So this might give you more exposure or connection with other artitst.

Take care and hive on!

is that the same community as here or are they seperate entirely from hive communities on peakd?

Same. It automatically Posts the Video to the community

I will try it out again, I was on 3 Speak for a bit a month ago, was dry fir content but not a bad video platform