
Thanks! Anything else I can do for you today?

You can grasp the agenda and chew the fat...

You mean enter your bubble? Become an 'X' or a 'Y' then allow myself to be manipulated?

This may be barking up the wrong tree, but i get the impression that x means those who belive the covid narritive, and y means those who see it for the globalist bullshit it is.

Maybe you have the luxury of not yet having your life, country, or livelihood totally fucked over.

This is a wild ride, and we are all being manipulated.

I'm aware. X ÷ Y = Z

I don't want that Z shit in my head. The x and y's can keep it. They'll figure out Z sooner or later. They're just not as quick as N or G. Still too busy consuming; being fed. Won't notice until the plate is empty.

Much as I'd like to be theoretical, I'm playing for my life now because I would die before I'd submit to communism, globalism, or the death jab, and we are not fucking around here now. Even the memes are for real. In the past two years a lot has changed and it will never be the same again. For better or worse.

Hopefully your answer to the end of the world isn't to just sit on the computer and watch it, leaving comments along the way.