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RE: How Much Influence Did Pfizer Have Over Neil Young's Decision to Try to Cancel Joe Rogan on Spotify? Owners of His Music Rights Are Advised By Pfizer!

in COVID-192 years ago

I'm glad @pharesim or someone he delegates his power to has decided in their infinite wisdom this post wasn't worth more than $10. It would be a shame for all those views to see people actually make money here.



Old news 11k now!!
Also i wonder if that's because of our switch to a way better analytics system or it's just the views in the 15 days since you wrote that.


Is it still done on a 7 day average?

Our new analytics system is much more powerful so now we're doing 30 day total.

It is a shame, Ron, that you feel that way.

But people like me will always make money. Money typically follow me. My hive investment is not significant part of my net worth. But that is besides the point. Enjoy your evening, and don't worry about me. Cheers!

Can you tell me about this master plan to demonetize the most viewed posts on the platform? I'm not a marketing expert such as yourself, so this should be enlightening.

No I can't, as it is none of your business.

You focus on your business, and let me focus on mine :)

Oh Ron. I can't enlighten you. You got to do it yourself. Have an excellent day!

You focus on your business, and let me focus on mine :)

You're the one that replied to me. If I had to guess, you're trying to capture the audience that CNN has been bleeding out by demonetizing anything that goes against the Operation Mockingbird narrative, but honestly I don't think it's that. You would have to have actual connections to do something like that knowingly.

Shh r0nd0n, you'll bother him.. he doesn't like 'stalkers' interrupting his naps.
He said he doesn't read any of my posts and hand waves to azircon who has nothing to say but a poop emoji.. he has me on autodownvote. so basically, he is pulling the standard gov/corporate tactic of 'delegating' as if it absolves responsibility... except the 'corporate responsibility' dept. never picks up the phone and is always on smoke break. it would be easy for observers to conclude that these people have no interest at all in Hive or the Hive community - they do their manual curation team a dis-service by paying so little attention to the metrics and analytics of hive - plus the optics. guess geologists and um.. 'tech'? people don't automatically understand growth, business and marketing.