Dutch Police Fire Live Rounds At COVID19 Protestors, Injuring Several, As Gov Attempts To Split Population By Medical Status.

in COVID-193 years ago (edited)

Dutch Policy Enforcers have started shooting COVID19 Vaccine passport protesters with live ammunition, wounding several. As Reuters and others have reported, the police in Rotterdam opened fire with lethal rounds during an active protest at new government restrictions on freedom.

Reports have stated that the protest turned violent to some extent, with several police cars being set on fire. There is as yet only limited evidence available publicly as to what exactly happened and why. The Dutch government has been attempting to divide the country between those who have been coerced into receiving the experimental COVID19 shots and those who have not - allowing businesses to discriminate based on medical status.

From the videos and reports it appears that many people decided to stand up for themselves and the ensuing violence resulted:

While mainstream reports are trying to blame the violence on football gangs, much remains unclear to me at this point. I have seen first hand how the media mind controllers and state psychological warfare operatives take stories and embellish them to suit their own needs. While it is absolutely true that people can and will become violent at times during protests, especially when they feel their own freedom and will are being pressured - at the same time, it is common for them to be deliberately antagonised or false stories created, in order to generate material that turns public opinion against them and towards more state control and conformity.

In this case, the Dutch government accepts that the police fired live rounds at people in Rotterdam and the press speculates that these were 'warning rounds' fired as the police felt themselves to be under threat of attack. Police use of lethal rounds is very unusual in Holland, so I imagine there will be in depth investigation into the events, however, I don't hold out much expectation of honesty at this point.

UPDATE: This video shows one of the people being shot by police who was clearly not a threat to anyone. There is no valid way that this could be said to have come from a 'warning' shot.

I feel like pointing out that the word 'apocalypse' means 'revealing' and we are absolutely experiencing the predicted apocalypse period now. What is being revealed, among many other things, is the split between those who choose to embody free will / personal autonomy / self guidance and those who are more inclined to over-ride free will for their own personal reasons. The 'pandemic' scenario, perhaps more than any other, is one that tests this situation.

Since viruses can transmit between people without the carrier intending it to happen and without any intent for it to happen, there are some issues relating to free will that need to be clarified. Some people act as if their free will is being violated by people who won't bow down and conform to the policies that the state decides to impose - because, they think, that the state knows best how to protect everyone and by not conforming, people risk the health of others and therefore, their free will.

This, though, is a gross misunderstanding of personal will. Personal free will means that you can do whatever you want/need to do, as long as you don't override the personal free will of others. This is an absolute and any attempt to change this is a violation of free will. The inserting of a 'voice of authority' into the mix changes nothing at all - if those 'authorities' decide they want to control others, they are still violating free will and this is not right.

If people are genuinely being deliberately dangerous in their actions, such as perhaps by spitting at people or breathing into their faces to 'try to spread disease', then this could likely be classed as assault, since the intent is present to intimidate or do harm. However, someone who does nothing but walk down the street without a mask is not violating the free will of anyone - they are possibly just demonstrating a confidence in something that those who push for state control do not share.

Some people have a trust in a religious idea of life/God. Some people have trust in a metaphysical understanding of health and creation, such that they feel safe without a mask. Some people simply study the scientific data and conclude that masks are counterproductive. Some people may combine all of these in their own way. The point here is that free will allows them to choose what they personally do and if others don't like it then they need to process their fear and communicate to reach balance in a peaceful way.


Of course, we can easily say that rioting is much the same, not a peaceful or enlightened way to be. However, from what I can tell, it was the statists and the government that has tried to force compliance onto people in ways that don't feel right. In such situations a response is to be expected that may be proportional to the threat being felt.

The best possible solution involves direct communication without ridicule, with respect and with open minds. Unfortunately, in my experience, few people who are pro state control seem to have the patience and willingness to openly discuss the details of the science of lockdowns and mask enforcement etc. - Far from the picture of themselves as fully reasonable, painted by themselves on social media, it has been my experience that typically they will rant and then quickly give up any debate as soon as solid counter evidence is provided.

So we have something of a log jam in society. The balanced communication necessary to reach solutions is over-ridden by imbalanced thinking and attempts to control people as if that is a solution. Those who are descendants of those who fought and killed Nazi Germans will never back down or allow anything like that to surface in their lives - yet the political logic of the world is so distorted that these people are often framed as being Nazis!

My suggestion is to always remain as grounded as possible - fully accept yourself in every breath and always take the peaceful action that is open to you that can shift thinking and behaviour towards balance and harmony. In this case, anything that over-rides the will of another is out of balance - so the actions of state controllers needs to be checked and where the people involved have no intention of respecting free will, they are dangerous to public health and need to be removed.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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This is something else , I believe that the government should create a better way of handling the issue and not doing it the violent way...

Ultimately, governments tend to rely on violence because that is what they are based on. The entire premise of governance relies on violence, regardless of how it is wrapped up on the outside via PR and social engineering.

And the truth is that , why are they even forcing people to take vaccines that they do not want to take??there are better ways to handle the situation ...if they feel the vaccines is necessary for its citizens then they should make the citizens see good reasons why they should take the vaccines , trying to force them to take the vaccines does not make sense....

100% yes. At best they are just undercurrently accusing people of being idiots.. At worst they are admitting that they have no solid argument for using the shots and are being malevolent in their intent.

And that was why there was a protest , and now they are attacking the protesters, what do you think is the way forward??

The vast majority of human problems stem from deep misunderstandings about free will. Our entire societies are structured without enough care or concern for free will and so we have so many problems that involve people's boundaries being abused. The best possible outcome is that every individual studies free will and makes it a top priority to respect their own and that of others too. We are a way away from that, but many people are doing it right now.

What to do in a situation where the majority are in denial of free will and thus pose a threat to your safety? The simplest answer is to relocate somewhere that is more real and honest.. It may be that for a while, the jungle is the best location!

Other than relocating, the next best option is to continue to increase personal sovereignty in all ways possible and also enlighten others as to why this is needed.

Enlightment...hmmm I agree , enlightment might be the best thing to do for now and hopefully they will listen or else maybe I might relocate to the jungle you mentioned..lol

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Thank you, Ura-Soul,

Thank you for helping us to "steam out" the frustration in a calm and grounded manner while observing the current state of affairs. Reading your post has let me relax my solar plexus and regain deeper breath, and also - get a confirmation that the wise people are more and the wisdom always is more powerful than ignorance. The only pre-requisite is that the wisdom has to be applied not only on the yoga mat but also in our everyday conscious creations, individually and collectively. Being more disciplined and aware to what we give our emotionally charged attention to.. Where attention goes - creative energy flows and creates more of that which captures your attention.

Therefore, reading your calmly but assertively expressed recount of events in Rotterdam in a couple of paragraphs gives a conscious reader a chance to stay in the perspective of an observer who "registers" the collectively manifested reality. And meanwhile, arrange one's individual state of mind into staying firm in the desired vision for the future, instead of falling apart in frustration, fear, moral defeat and planning how to escape in the jungle, and totally forgetting that it is all US together who create this reality, and each conscious creator counts.

"I feel like pointing out that the word 'apocalypse' means 'revealing' and we are absolutely experiencing the predicted apocalypse period now."
Yes indeed. But, let's not forget that all the spiritual traditions of the world are dealing with awakening of a separate individual's consciousness (as a building block of the collective consciousness, and thus the collectively manifested reality). The "revealing" has the root in the person's consciousness. The "lifting of the veils of illusion". The myths, legends and sacred stories and metaphors are used to illustrate the processes of awakening each particular individual's consciousness. This offers the understanding that the current events IS NOT the apocalypse per se, but the consequence of many millions of individual apocalypses happening in individual awakening humans' minds. The more people on the planet are living their daily lives from the perspective of an Awakened Responsible Creator of Reality - the more the "light frequencies" are switched on - the more the polarized dark aspects become obvious and fight their agony before collapsing back into neutrality of nothingness.

I see these events as the proof that the "critical mass" of awakened humans has been reached and the tipping point is close. Therefore, the ability to stay unshaken by the appearances, even the one's that seem way too powerful than our emotional and mental discipline, is a gift. The way you have reported the facts in an unmoved manner is very helpful - "those who have eyes to see" can use these facts as a reference point for conscious creative visualization of harmonious wise solutions for those conflicting events, focusing their minds' powerful energy into creating harmonious outcomes for all of us collectively (- as opposed to "pouring more oil into the fire" by engaging with already manifested but unwanted reality).

"Some people have a trust in a religious idea of life/God. Some people have trust in a metaphysical understanding of health and creation, such that they feel safe without a mask. Some people simply study the scientific data and conclude that masks are counterproductive. Some people may combine all of these in their own way. The point here is that free will allows them to choose what they personally do and if others don't like it then they need to process their fear and communicate to reach balance in a peaceful way." Exactly. This is how things will be when we have manifested them in our collective reality with the potent creative power of our disciplined mind. The more people start doing that - the faster the desired manifestation will happen.

"So we have something of a log jam in society. The balanced communication necessary to reach solutions is over-ridden by imbalanced thinking and attempts to control people as if that is a solution.". This has been noticed. Now we can declare how we want things to be, as in the quote I copied from you above in the previous paragraph.

I'm so happy I landed on your post while roaming the Hive jungle - it is exactly ad hoc with what I have been writing these days. (Still in a writing mode, I guess, that's why the comment resulted so long :))))

Thank you for doing what you do and sharing your wisdom with the humanity!!
Big hugs!
Wisdom Wins. Always.
The "New Jerusalem" is already built in the minds of the awakened.