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RE: MONOPOLY - WHO OWNS THE WORLD? Corporate Dictatorship. Exposes How Fatal Swine Flu Vaccine Was Pushed On The World Through Pharma Lies. (Documentary)

in COVID-193 years ago

When we understand that most people are only ever operating in the realm of effect and never reaching the realm of causation it is easier to understand why humanity is so stuck in cycles of abuse perpetration and suffering. I suggest studying behaviour patterns in communities of reptiles/lizards to see some of the characteristic brain dysfunctions that humans are suffering with, expressed in very clear ways - this is so called 'reptilian brain domination'. Many people's entire lives consist of little but attempts to compete, dominate and control others, in fact not just 'others' but these aims are actually projected onto all life. This explains some of why so many get involved in the evil pyramid systems that objectively damage life on Earth with the supposed benefits only ever being experienced by a tiny number of people.

The bottom line is that we are dealing with ancient, epidemic forms of psychopathy and heartlessness that have been so normalised that many people are unable to detect or feel them. You are right that the agendas are very old, in truth they predate humanity!

I also strongly suggest studying Carroll Quigley's work if you haven't already. It shows clearly, in academic detail, which families were behind the engineering of the fake democracies and what their goals are: