The glorious sound of bird song in the morning

in Hive Pets2 months ago

Bird Feeder


It's always nice when it gets to that time of the year when the weather starts getting a little bit warmer again and you start to hear the birds chirping outside in the mornings and evenings. We have a few bird feeders dotted around the garden as well for the little guys as it can't be that easy fending for themselves trying to find worms and what not.


We make their lives a little bit easier by buying some of this bird feed for them. They're basically just peanuts and the local small birds are big fans


We have one of the feeders set up here just outside our kitchen window, which is nice. We all like to watch them and listen to them while cooking the dinner or doing the dishes.


I love Tits!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself, that headline pretty much wrote itself! They are likeable little things though and luckily it's mainly blue tits, yellow tits and the like we get coming to visit and nibble on some nuts.


I don't have a tripod or a very steady hand, so these aren't the best of shots, but they're half decent I suppose.


It doesn't take them very long to munch their way through a whole feeder full. I'm not sure whether you should wait a given amount of time before filling it again or not. I wouldn't want the Tits to become over reliant on the feeder either.


This little yellow guy is my favourite. He's a plucky little character and I like the vivid colours of his plumage.


He was the first to arrive when we started using the feeders again this year and is very friendly and will land on a branch or wall very close to us, as he seems to understand that we are feeding him.


I wonder what they eat and forage for when the feeder is empty? Nuts and berries and small insects I suspect.


The images used throughout are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out

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According to my considerable research, the optimum period between birdfeeder refills is 2 hours and 4 minutes. 🙃

Noted considerably knowledgeable nature guru one 😜

I like tits too! They are cute ;<)

And who doesn't love waking up to bird sounds, unless it's pigeons.
They sound pretty stupid and annoying, if you ask me.

I like tits too! They are cute ;<)

🤣🤣 Indeed!

Tits are indeed awesome!!!!

I don't have bird feeders at home though.
Actually haven't seen any in my life here in Nigeria 😭😭😂🤤

Our bird's are hustlers...😂😂

Our bird's are hustlers...😂😂
