DEWEY : My best friend Siberian Husky

in Hive Petslast year
Authored by @AJ


As his proud owner, I believe Dewey, a 5-month-old Siberian Husky, is the best friend anyone could ask for. He has the most beautiful white and gray fur, and I love how playful he is. To meet other dogs and people, we enjoy taking afternoon strolls in the park and along the pier. On this blog, I want to discuss my Siberian husky, Dewey, and my experience raising him.




I should clarify right away that not everyone should buy a Siberian Husky. These dogs require a lot of care and exercise due to their high level of energy. Dewey is no exception. He likes to run and play, so I make sure to take him for walks and playtime every day. He really likes meeting and playing with other dogs, but I keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't engage in any rough play.


One trait that sets Siberian Huskies apart from other breeds is their enthusiasm for the great outdoors. Their thick fur coat keeps them warm even in the coldest temperatures. Dewey enjoys going to the park and the pier where he can occupy himself by snooping around and sniffing everything. On our walks, I usually pack a water bottle and a collapsible plate to make sure he hydrates well.


Another thing I've noticed about Dewey is how smart he is. He picks up new information rapidly and takes pleasure in following his owner's instructions. He has been learning the fundamental instructions I have been giving him, such as sit, stay, and come, rather rapidly. To continue his training, I'm planning to start signing him up for obedience classes soon.


A Siberian Husky like Dewey is a wonderful pet to own in every way. They are loving, amusing, and smart dogs who require a lot of attention and exercise. If you are thinking about obtaining a Husky, I strongly suggest doing your research and making sure you have the time and resources to properly care for one. But if you do, I can assure you that you won't regret it. These are great companions who will brighten your days every day.


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He is very handsome and you are lucky! I could never have dogs, I ve always lived in small houses without space for dogs :(

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Siberian Huskies have a beautiful coat that denotes a lot of style. Plus, the color of those eyes make them look even more spectacular. This breed is delicate and that's why I understand when you say that not everyone can have one in their care. I know they don't tolerate ivermectin like mongrel dogs. He is beautiful Dewey, take good care of him, they become our best friends.

Pets become our part of life once we spend a few months with them and you have shared some nice clicks with this. Cool photos.
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