ENG | ESP | Photos of my hairy dog | Fotos de mi perrita peluda.

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Post in Spanish & English

Les presento a mi mascota, su nombre es Lucy, es una perrita que decidí rescatar, estaba en situación de calle y quise traerla a casa y hacerla miembro de nuestro hogar.

This is my pet, her name is Lucy, she is a dog that I decided to rescue, she was in a street situation and I wanted to bring her home and make her a member of our home.


En su antigua casa no le daban los cuidados necesarios, para una mascota. Pero sus días de tristeza acabaron cuando decidí llevarla a mi hogar, porque me propuse llenarla de todo el amor del mundo.

In her old home she was not given the care necessary for a pet. But her days of sadness ended when I decided to take her to my home, because I decided to fill her with all the love in the world.


Es encantadora, se ha convertido en mi fiel compañera. Me sigue a todas partes, me cuida y le encanta dormir a mi lado. Le encanta que le acaricien la barriga y las orejas.

She is very charming, she has become my faithful companion. She follows me everywhere I go, takes care of me and loves to sleep next to me. She loves to be cuddled on her tummy and ears.



Invito a seguirme en mi instagram, donde publico mis aventuras diarias @andreaeloiss

I invite you to follow me on my instagram, where I post my daily adventures @andreaeloiss


@andreloisa maybe you are a rescue angel for a dog who was in trouble, and now feel happy with you, even your dog poses when you take pictures. 👍

Really happy, yes. Thanks for noticing.😁

@andreloisa You are such a nice person, maybe you will tell me when you name your dog later. 😁

Yay! 🤗
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