How to care for baby kittens efficiently + Rescuing these two handsome gentlemen | Español-English

in Hive Pets2 years ago


Buenos y productivos dias a toda la comunidad de Hive ❤️ este es mi primer post en la comunidad de Hive Pets y aunque siempre he sido una amante de los animales no tenia algo interesante para publicar hasta hace unas semanas, yo desde niña me han encantado los gatos aunque he desarrollado una semi alergia a ellos, he tenido varias mascotas tanto en mi casa de la infancia como en la que estoy viviendo ahorita y jamas habia cuidado a gatitos bebes hasta hace muy poco, es una historia un poco loca asi que sientate, agarra un cafe que les voy a contar como conoci a estos dos caballeros que ven en pantalla y a su (irresponsable) 💢 madre.

Todo comienza cuando recibo una llamada de la casa de mi madre, 🏡diciendome de que habia una gata que se estaba quedando demasiado adentro de la casa y que se le veia una panza enorme, desde ese momento sabia que esa gata habia elegido mi casa para dar a luz a sus bebes pero lo que me sorprendio es que eligio mi cuarto de la infancia para hacerlo, 😵 a tan solo unos dias de esa llamada venia otra diciendo que ahora habian varios maullidos dentro de mi cuarto y que mi mama no podia hacerse cargo de ellos, asi que mi novio yo decidimos ir a rescatar los gatitos y a la mama para traerlos a nuestra casa. ❤️

No teniamos demasiada idea sobre lo que haciamos, la gata habia dado a luz a 3 gatitos hermosos y como pudimos agarramos una caja de zapatos y los pusimos a todos ahi para llevarnoslo, al menos en nuestra casa tendrian mucho mas espacio asi como dos personas que podian estar atentos, la gata estaba un poco deshidratada por lo que los primeros dias estuvimos cuidando de ella y dandole bastante alimento, parecia estar bastante contenta con nosotros, estaba en un espacio afuera de la casa en donde los perros la molestasen pero incluso asi un dia despertamos, fuimos a checar a los gatitos..

y la gata mama estaba perdida!!

Intentamos esperar a ver si volvia por si sola pero las horas pasaban y los pequeños tenian hambre asi que decidimos llevarlos adentro y prepararles un espacio en una pequeña caja para tenerlos ahi esperando que su mama volviese pero hasta el dia de hoy no hay rastro de ella, 😔 nos toco entonces aprender a mantener a los gatitos por nuestros medios y es asi cuando decidi investigar como darles de comer y que cuidados deberian tener para que se desarrollen bien y creo que lo primero y mas importante a tener en cuenta es Darles calor sea como sea, los gatitos no tenian 2 semanas siquiera por lo que aun no producian su propio calor y podian morir debido a alguna brisa.

Los metimos a la casa y les organizamos un espacio en donde podian estar, yo inmediatamente empece a buscar como alimentarlos, usualmente compras leche para gatitos bebe pero esta era una situacion especial ya que por aca cerca no ibamos a encontrar nada de eso, habia que improvisar asi que me fui a Youtube a investigar alguna formula para alimentarlos y de las tantas que vi en la red esta es la que mas me gusto. 😚

  • Leche Deslactosada y Descremada
  • Cucharadas de Miel natural
  • Yemas de huevo
  • Crema de Leche

Todo esto lo batiamos y calentabamos un poco antes de darselo primero con una jeringa y unos dias despues con un tetero, los gatitos se juntaban en el pequeño espacio que teniamos para ellos y en estos dias aun teniamos la esperanza de que la mama de los gatitos regresaria, pero los dias pasaban y los gatitos necesitaban mas y mas de nosotros, teniamos que mantenerlos aseados, ver que hicieran sus necesidades afuera de donde dormian y en general mantenerlos activos, estabamos pensando juntarlos con una gata que tenemos en la casa pero rapidamente nos dimos cuenta que era una mala idea, los gatos son por naturaleza muy territoriales asi que introducir a un gatito nuevo a su ambiente era un poco arriesgado.

Pasaron las semanas, estuvimos muy atentos a nuestros nuevos inquilinos ya que mientras yo trabajaba mi novio se quedaba cuidandolos, los dos gatitos empezaron a crecer, de repente ya estaban comiendo alimentos solidos y la comida de gatos que compramos, ya tomaban agua solos aunque con dificultad y se empezaban a notar mas juguetones, aun seguian dentro de la casa para mas seguridad pero por este tiempo empezamos a sacarlos a nuestro patio para que explorasen un poco mas el entorno, los llevamos al veterinario y a pesar de que su mama se fue cuando apenas tenian unos dias estaban con buen peso y buena salud, estamos ahorrando para ponerles sus vacunas pero hasta ahora estan muy feliz en su nuevo hogar!

Siento que hemos rescatado un par de vidas hermosas, una nueva oportunidad para jugar y ser unos hermosos compañeros, en mi casa estamos encantados con ellos, cada vez que los vemos se nos acercan y siento que nos agradecen cada dia todos los cuidados que les damos, en unos dias les toca su primer baño y en unas semanas los llevaremos nuevamente al veterinario (siempre lleven a su nuevo gatito al veterinario), soy la mama orgullosa de este par de caballeros y siento que puedo montar un refugio entero con esta experiencia jajajaja gracias por pasar y siganme❤️

Fuente 1

English made with Deepl


Good and productive days to all the Hive community ❤️ this is my first post in the Hive Pets community and although I have always been an animal lover I didn't have something interesting to post until a few weeks ago, I have loved cats since I was a little girl although I have developed a semi allergy to them, I have had several pets both in my childhood home and the one I am living in now and I had never cared for baby kittens until recently, it's a bit of a crazy story so sit down, grab a coffee and I'll tell you how I met these two gentlemen you see on the screen and their (irresponsible) 💢 mother.

It all starts when I get a call from my mother's house, 🏡telling me that there was a cat that was staying too much inside the house and that she was showing a huge belly, from that moment I knew that this cat had chosen my house to give birth to her babies but what surprised me is that she chose my childhood room to do it, 😵 just a few days after that call came another one saying that now there were several meowing inside my room and that my mom could not take care of them, so my boyfriend and I decided to go rescue the kittens and the mom to bring them to our house. ❤️

We didn't have much idea about what we were doing, the cat had given birth to 3 beautiful kittens and as we could we grabbed a shoe box and put them all in there to take them with us, at least in our house they would have much more space as well as two people who could be attentive, the cat was a little dehydrated so the first few days we were taking care of her and giving her plenty of food, she seemed to be quite happy with us, she was in a space outside the house where the dogs would bother her but even so one day we woke up, we went to check on the kittens . .

The mommy cat was missing!!!

We tried to wait to see if she would come back on her own but hours passed and the little ones were hungry so we decided to take them inside and prepare a space for them in a small box to keep them there waiting for their mom to come back but to this day there is no trace of her, We then had to learn how to keep the kittens by our own means and that's when I decided to investigate how to feed them and what care they should have to develop well and I think the first and most important thing to keep in mind is Give them warmth no matter what, the kittens were not even 2 weeks old so they did not produce their own heat and could die due to a breeze.

We got them in the house and organized a space where they could be, I immediately started looking for a way to feed them, usually you buy milk for baby kittens but this was a special situation since we were not going to find anything like that around here, we had to improvise so I went to Youtube to investigate some formula to feed them and of the many that I saw on the net this is the one I liked the most. 😚

  • Skim and Nonfat Milk
  • Tablespoons of natural honey
  • Egg Yolks
  • Cream of Milk

The kittens would gather in the small space we had for them and in these days we still had the hope that the kittens' mother would return, but the days passed and the kittens needed more and more of us, we had to keep them clean, see that they did their needs outside where they slept and in general keep them active, we were thinking of joining them with a cat we have in the house but we quickly realized that it was a bad idea, cats are by nature very territorial so introducing a new kitten to their environment was a bit risky.

Weeks passed, we were very attentive to our new tenants because while I was working my boyfriend was taking care of them, the two kittens began to grow, suddenly they were already eating solid food and the cat food we bought, they already drank water by themselves although with difficulty and they began to notice more playful, they were still inside the house for more security but by this time we started to take them out to our yard to explore a little more the environment, we took them to the vet and even though their mom left when they were just a few days old they were with good weight and good health, we are saving up to give them their vaccinations but so far they are very happy in their new home!

I feel that we have rescued a couple of beautiful lives, a new opportunity to play and be beautiful companions, in my house we are delighted with them, every time we see them they approach us and I feel that they thank us every day for all the care we give them, in a few days they will have their first bath and in a few weeks we will take them again to the vet (always take your new kitten to the vet), I am the proud mother of this pair of gentlemen and I feel I can mount a whole shelter with this experience hahahaha thanks for stopping by and follow me❤️

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