My First Introduction Post and Introducing My Stress Reliever Kitty Pets

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello to All Hive Pet Lovers and to @hivepets curators! I would like to Introduce myself.I'm Antonette Langgamon from Cagayan De Oro City, Mindanao, Philippines. Furthermore, I love writing and sharing my thoughts, talents, and experience here.

Blogging is one of my hobby.I'm glad that I found this community here, then I share my posts about my pets.

I would like to introduce to you my pets Shhhamiming and Shhamimay. I love them both, they are my stress reliever. They are both so adorable and playful. I'm so happy that they came in our life.


My kids like to play with them and every time our pets sleep they sleep beside us in our room like a part of our family. We love to hug them a lot.



Shhamiming is a male white cat and hyper playful cat. We got him since he was a little kitty,, but now he is already grown up. When he was getting old he is not the same so sweet as before, maybe it's because in a couple of months from now he's going to be a father soon.


Shhamimay is a female cat. We got her since she was a little kitty. She is sweet to me and to my kids. She has never been outside and always like to stay at home. Soon she will become a mother cat because she is now pregnant.







We take care and feed both of the cats 3 times a day breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes we gave them both a bath because we want them to be always clean, so they can both sleep in our room.

I remember a couple of months ago they were gone and away from home. I felt so sad at that time, I keep looking for them around and posted their pics on social media if anyone find them. Good thing, after a couple of days they both went back home and waited outside the door for someone to open for them.

I was so happy that they are back home, and they no longer went outside because they are afraid that they will be lost again.

Thank you so much Hive per lovers for reading my post.Hope you had a nice day with your loving pets.


Wow, what a very cute cats ate.

Nice kitties!