Introducing My Beagle

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Have a nice day hive pet lover!

I would like to introduce myself to this awesome animal lovers community. I am @benedict08, a certified pet lover. I noticed people sharing their pets and it encouraged me to do so.


They are Markuz, the old male beagle who stayed with us for a ling time and Luna, a female one who is still young. They became good friends inside and out the cage. Markuz became happy when I bought Luna and brought her into his side. He became not lonely and alone. I saw his happy face lately unlike the old time I felt his loneliness. They were both well trained by my family members. We provided them enough foods and brought them to the veterinarian for their health awareness.


After playing tricks, they will just go to their cage and sleep. They can also go inside our house and play.


Just like human being, sometimes, one of them stay out away from sleeping together.

I am satisfied how they show their love us. They are guarding us the whole day and night. We feel safe when they are around us.

Taking care of a pet is not easy because, I treated them like human. Whatever they need, I heartily giving it .

Beagle is small but terrible dogs. They are so friendly kind of pet.


Luna and Markuz are handsome doggies who are lucky to have you as their owners! @benedict08🐶

Upvoted and curated 🐾

Thank you !BEER

You're welcome and thanks!!🍺

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Awww, I love their name Markuz and Luna. Just by the looks of it they are in good hands. Give them a hug for me.

Keep safe always

Markuz big titi. Hahahaha! !BEER

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