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RE: A Vacation and Some Time Off, But NOT With Out Spoils... For Molly That Is

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Nice to see you back! I totally understand needing a vacation. I hope it was very restful for you! My dog actually spent some time on the couch with me the other day which is not that common these days. She is in her teenager phase again even though she is closer to being an old lady!


Thank you! Nice to be back buzzzzzing around. lol. I needed that break for sure 100%. hahaha.. the pup is spunky again?! funny. We have gotten used to Molly's low key old lady energy level. It is nice when she lays with us keeping us company. Although she remains independent. OH NO.. Don't try to snuggle with her or pick her up. She'll dart away. Unless I lower my voice that is.. hehe.

Haha, that is pretty funny! Ours definitely only does what she wants when she wants. She has always been spoiled like that.