Early morning confusion

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)

My cat Domino has a very regimented life. She goes outside at 7am when people get up for work, is fed at 2pm and 10pm and goes to bed at 11pm.

Because she's got her claws (as all cats should) and extremely mischievous, she gets shut in the kitchen over night.

She does have a cat bed (I promise!) but she prefers to steal trousers to sleep on

However because I regularly work night shifts I'm usually awake long past that. When I visit home it leaves Domino extremely bemused and curious when she gets late night visitors.

Who dares awaken me from my slumber?

Once upon a time she used to sleep in my bedroom on a cat bed that hooks over the top of my radiator. This ended after she learned that she could pick any time to leave by clawing at my door until I woke up. Her favourite time to do this? 5am. Sorry Dom, you're cute but not cute away to get away with that.

Cats yawning go from cute...

...to psycho in a split second

It didn't take long for her to wake up and get jealous of my late night snacking. I'm pretty sure that if she could communicate she'd be threatening to tell my family that I'm raiding the fridge, and only treats would keep her quiet.

Thanks for visiting, now give me a treat and get out