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RE: The Barking and Flying Sparring Partners

in Hive Pets3 years ago

I'm pretty familiar with'em. Explain what you mean by 'proper.'

The movie clip will always display first, then "watch on threespeak" under it. I doubt that's what you're asking though.

I just posted on 3speak the other day, is there anything in that one you don't understand? Help me help you. 💖

I gotcha young darlin' you're in good hands.


Awe thank you @dandays, I wanted to add a longer story and more photos, feel so bad having just a one sentence blog although the video is good.
I used to upload the video; can one write a full blog there and add photos? I could not see where to add the pics.
Please excuse my ignorance🤔

No apologies necessary. I hear what you mean about just running a couple sentences.

I get super nervous when I post there cuz it doesn't have a preview section and you can't upload images. Also, the text format is set to be centered so if you don't like that, you have to set your own html code.

To get images, preview the article, etc. I paste my notes into Ecency's front end including images, etc. then just copy all that text and paste it over at 3speak in your description box.

Does that make sense? Don't be bashful, let me know if you need more explanation.

Aha, that makes perfect sense, I checked your 3speak post and wondered how you got the images in there. Why did I not think of that!
I have a number of good and kind people autovoting my posts and hate to seem lazy by not putting any effort into the post!
Thank you so much @dandays 🤗⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐