Today Is Ba Du's Birthday

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello everyone, how do you do today?
Today is November 26. Does this day mean anything to you? For me, today is a special day. Today is my dog's 2nd birthday, Ba Du.


Ba Du is a chug because his mother is a chihuahua and his father is a pug. It is currently 11pm in Vietnam and at this time 2 years ago, his mother Meow Meow gave birth to 5 puppies. Among them, Ba Du was the first born. We named him Ba Du, which means "stupid", because he's dumber than his other 4 siblings.

2 days_1.JPG

We gave away all of his siblings except him for two reasons. Firstly, he is the slowest and sometimes acts stupid. And second, Ba Du has asthma so we're afraid the new owner won't take care of him as well as we do. But later on, I realized that it was a wise decision. Ba Du is now an indispensable member of my small family.

2 week_1.JPG

I think we had two great years with Ba Du, and so did he. Together we have had memorable moments together at home and on trips. In my opinion, Ba Du is still quite stupid at the moment, but it is that stupidity that makes him cute and approachable. That's why people always love Ba Du.


Today, we bought a small birthday cake and Ba Du's favorite foods, and he ate a lot. Talking about eating and sleeping, Ba Du is number one. And I guess and he had a very satisfying birthday.










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damn cute!! hope live a long and happy lovely life. 🍺

Thank you very much @antoniojoseha

Haha, dễ thương quá a ơi 😂 mà hình như bạn í k thích đội mũ sinh nhật chỉ thích ăn thôi 😄

Thanks e nhé @lamphuong, đúng rồi, bạn í chỉ để ý đến đồ ăn, chứ đeo vào mặt buồn thiu.

He's undeniably cute especially when he was just a little puppy. We do have dogs at home but I don't really pay attention to them that much. I had a dog, France, who died a couple years back. Maybe that's the reason why I don't want to have a connection with our dogs at home anymore. Happy birthday to your pet! 😁

Hi @patsitivity I understand your feeling. I lost some of my dogs before. And I think when it comes to their time, they will pass away, and I will accept that. I just try to make them happy during their life.

That's so sweet of you @dodovietnam! My boyfriend's taking care of our dogs. Gave it to him. He's been an amazing fur father 😁

Happy birthday Ba Du
Em ấy có ăn đượ nhiều vậy ko ta? 🤩😂

em ấy thì bao nhiêu cũng hết e ạ 😁

Haha cưng quá trời 😍😍😍😍

Hoho quà đâu quà đâu

2 quả trứng lộn rồi nha 😆

Chúc mừng sn BaDu nha. Nhìn em cưng quá ❤️

Thank you chị @kimloan 😺

Happy birthday to Ba Du, I loved seeing these pictures, it looks like he has had a happy life with you. Best wishes to him!

Thank you very much @hive-196708
He makes me happy too.

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haha. đù ngầu v anh . mà mặt k bao giờ vuii haha

mới có 2 năm mà từ bé tí ti thành ẵm ko nổi luôn, Ba Đù có ông bà chăm xuất sắc thiệt. Chúc sinh nhật Ba Đù nhé hihi😘

Chị @dothitrucvy1080 và Ba Đù nhìn giống nhau nha.

Cân nặng 2 năm qua tăng chóng mặt giống nhau luôn 🙃

haha y chang 😀

How handsome, congratulations haha
They are our children and we love them, it does not matter that it is a bit silly we all are and that makes them charming
congratulate him from me and give him a big hug, he's very handsome on his birthday haha
felliz saturday friend

Thank you very much @txatxy
I will tell him your words, he isn't gonna sleep tonight. 😁

aigooo cưng quá 👻

Nhìn mặt láo toét!

Yesterday it was my pet's birthday, his name is Draco and he vad a lot of fun too. I'm in love with your beautiful dog and I'm glad that you have desided to stay with him because nobody is going to take care of him like you do.

Thank you very much for your nice words @bethyjade
And happy birthday to Draco too. I'm happy to take care of him, and actually he brings a lot of joy to me too. It's kind of win-win relationship. 😁