in Hive Pets7 months ago

Good day Hivers! I am here again to share with you my new blog! I have mentioned from my intro blog that I have a pet, which is a cat. And yes, I’ll be sharing with y’all my pets.

I have been very fond of cats since I was 10 years old and it is because of my grandmother. She really loves cats, and I, somehow got influenced.

It's like I am really destined to take care of cats and be a fur mom forever! In the future, I will take care as much as cats as I can! They're really so cuteee and adoring.


I started taking care of cats when my lola gave me one of her cats, it’s name is “ Lowela ” sadly, she died due to unknown reason.

I mourned over Lowela for over a month because she was really so sweet to me and she somehow became close to me even in a short span of time. Until now, whenever I think of Lowela, I still got sad reminiscing her memories with me. She's my first cat that I took care of, and it was just so sad that she died. Nevertheless, I can't do anything to bring her back so I just think that she's happy now, and I should too!
( It's so sad I don't have a picture of Lowela 😔 )

Now, I've got 3 cats! My first cat ( next to Lowela ) is Summer, next is Spring and Autumn. As you noticed, their names are inspired from the seasons 😂😂 I am even planning to complete the seasons! Sadly, I can't find a white cat— I am planning to name ( if ever I can find ) it Snow or Winter. It was just so cuteeeee 🥺🥺


This are Summer and Autumn

And this cute one is Spring

My cats have been my comforter and my best friend whenever I get sad, they would always come to me and cuddle me, I got to tell them my problems too, like they can understand what I'm saying.

Among the three of them— Spring is the sweetest, whenever I'm petting him, he would always knead at me. He would always show his belly— a sign that he's comfortable around me. He would always purr and lay in my belly ( it's like his fav part of me ) and I am not even complaining about it! Spring would also come to me whenever I got to stare at the sunset. He would accompany me and even sit after me like he's also admiring the view.



Us watching the sunset together 🫶🫶


Spring laying in my stomach 🥺

Summer is more like the naughty one. She would always play around and even make a fight with Spring and Autumn, but she's really lovely. Autumn, on the other hand is more like the clingy one, he would always sleep next to Summer and Autumn, sometimes he would sleep beside me, he's my youngest baby, he's also adopted, my friend brought it to me because she's not able to take care of him because her mother will get mad. Soo, I took care of Autumn instead. ( I often mistook Autumn as Spring and vice versa because of their colors 🥹🥹 )



A photo of Spring and Autumn sleeping together.


This is a photo of Spring messing my school works 😂😅

They're not really easy to pet, you have to wake up in the middle of the night because of their loud cries, sometimes they would get your food, you also have to clean their poops and mess 🥹🥹 they always distracts me whenever I am studying, but anyway I love the distraction hehehehe. It was really somehow hard, but it's fun!

Autumn laying on my notebook while I was taking notes 😍

Every morning, I can't leave the house to go to school without kissing their foreheads, and when I got home from school they would come running to me and lay on my lap— it's my favorite part of the day. It was a treasured memory.


This is Spring laying at my lap after I got home from school

What I love about them is their sleeping position, it was just so fun to see them laying while making those funny positions! Like how could they do that?? 😂😂



Autumn while sleeping

Me and my siblings often fight because of my pets, they're not really into cats but my cats wants my siblings to pet them so we often leads into a fight. It was fun though 😂😂

I am really thankful to have wonderful pets like them, they help me a lot! And they're so fun to play with and so cuteee!! They're my stress reliever.


That's all for this blog, thank you so much for reading until these paragraph! I enjoyed sharing y'all my pets. Have a great day ahead!!


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Your cats are so cute and adorable to cuddle miss @douceink🤗

Indeed they are! Thank you so much for reading ☺️🫶 have a great day ahead ❤️❤️❤️

#Caturday. That's a cool tag I've never heard of until now. I had a nice cat until I committed the ultimate sin, the worst crime ever, I got a dog. He actually ran away he was so mad.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :<

I'm sure he's still alive because he was tough as nails. If not it's okay too because when we humans die we'll all see our pets waiting for us in heaven.

Indeed, it was just so sad tho’ but we can't do anything about it soo, let's just hope they're fine now ☺️

This is such a lovely idea to name your cats the same as the seasons of the year. I love it 😍

It was indeed a lovely idea! I'm glad that you also love the names 🫶🫶 have a great day ahead ❤️❤️

guess you have a best friend there never ever give up on your best friends and family they will help you family

Definitely! I will never give up on them, rest assured. Thank you for reading, and have a great day ahead ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I so agree with loving all the positions they can get into. I have had dozens of cats over my lifetime and have found that they were always there to be a loving and comforting companion. When I had back surgery my cat would lay ar my head on my pillow and rarely left me until I healed enough to get around. I love your cats face named Spring. I had one that looked very much like him,

How sweet of your cat to accompany you back then 🥺🥺 the comfort they brought to us hits diff!! Thank you for appreciating my cats 🥺🥺 he would loved to hear that you love him! 🫶🫶

It's like having a cat like that was one of our fun and friends for me. When I saw pets around me, I was supposed to hug and kiss like your cat was very sweet for you. It's really nice to have that pet; it's one of the parts of our lives that we can't leave wherever we go.


can it?