Kira exploring a natural park 🐶

in Hive Pets3 years ago





I had been wanting to take Kira for a good walk up the mountain for weeks; she, like me, loves being in the middle of nature.
There was still some snow and Kira took the opportunity to explore the snowman and take a few bites and enjoy the coolness of it.
We did a route called "Hell ravine" but it was not as difficult as its name might indicate.
We had a great time and we are already looking forward to doing a new route as soon as possible.



Greetings, we really love the pictures in your post :) we would like you to fix three of them that apparently didn't load well, to proceed to select it in our daily curation.

PS: when you do it mention us @hive-196708.

Hey! Didn't notice that.
Here in Ecency dapp all the pictures appear to be ok.
What frontend or dapp are you using where my pics are not uploaded?

We use peakd, but in you can't see the three images either.

Mmmm... Ok, thanks! I'll send a message to Ecency mobile dapp people just in case it's some kind of dapp bug or something.