Cats are overpopulated - Why adopt cats from shelters?

in Hive Pets3 years ago (edited)
In an earlier post I wrote about me and @pusen's stray cat. Our little nervous cat who aren't used to other people than me and my boyfriend. You can read it HERE.

Some of the things you are going to read about is my knowledge from Norwegians shelters and what's typical in Norway. It could be even worse other places, and the rules for adopting animals can be different from country to country.

Leo, comfortably chilling in the window, at one of his favorite spots. This is him 3 months after we became foster parents

In this post I want to tell you why you should adopt cats, instead of buying (or get them for free).

The reason why we chose to go to the shelter is because there is A LOT of stray cats. In Norway there is ca 100 000 stray cats, and even more during spring/summer because of kittens been born.

A lot of black and white house cats are the last ones who get adopted, because they are so regular and aren't as "special" as the orange or white cats. And never as "special" as the purebred cats. This isn't my opinion, but how people in general choose their cats, and what we define as pretty. A lot of people wants kittens, and I understand why (they are the cutest), but every cat have their own special personalities, just like humans. You will learn that the love you getting from a kitten is the same love you have for an older cat.

My boyfriend is cuddling a cat at the shelter. This cat had been left alone outside while she was pregnant. Her kittens didn't survive cause they were eaten by predators. She came to the shelter very skinny and her fur was so tangled up they had to remove it. It took hours to remove it, because the conditions was so bad.

There are really many cats who isn't castrated or sterilized. When the cats are left to themselves, with no one who care about them, it will become huge colonies in no time, and a lot to handle for those who rescue cats. They work day and night, to just save cats that no ones care about. And mostly all of them doing it for free and in their spare time.

A lot of stray cat getting FIV (a dangerous infection that attacks their immune system), a lot of different infections, rabies, ringworm, a lot of flees and the cats are often in huge pain for a long time because of fighting other cats or bad infections. Many cats dies a cruel death with a lot of pain, because a lot of people buys animals without having in mind that cats live for 16 years (and sometimes more) and need health checkups once in a while and a lot of love.

In the first lockdown, during corona, a lot of people wanted cats (and pets in general), just to have company. And when the world turned a little bit back to normal, people didn't have time to their animals anymore. A lot of animals were left by themself.

It's nice to visit a shelter to just give them some cuddles and candies. They need that attention too.

If you want an animal, ask yourself: do you have money to sterilize, chip the cat, and provide it with vaccines, regular checks and your love and time?

Cats live a long time and you have to take care for the cat for all those years. Figure out what a cat need and how it will fit in your daily schedule. What happens if you are going on a 2 weeks vacation? Can it be alone? Can you afford a cat boarding house?

Source: Click HERE

If you don't want to adopt an animal but you want to help,

you can become a foster family for the cat. The shelter can take in more cats who needs help, if you becoming a foster family. It's really nice to be a foster family. Sometimes you don't need to be it for more than a month or two. Sometimes you only need to have a cat through its pregnancy and some weeks after.

You can visit shelters to cuddle and give the animals candies. A lot of shelters run for free, and need help buy gifts, food or/and different toys. Ask your local shelter what they need help with.

I got greeted by a cute and playful kitten. He was found right after he was born with his mom and siblings, and therefore he is used to people

Our experience

We chose to start being foster parents to our cat. After one year, we decided to adopt this cute cat. We were never talking about giving Leo back to the shelter, because he had become a cute and important family member.

Our cat's story

He was rescued in a cold winter after he was 14 weeks old
He, his mom and his siblings was in ok shape and they survived because they got help from the local shelter. Our cat haven't been used to or have any good experiences from humans, so he is a submissive, scared and nervous cat who always expect the worst of unknown people. He only likes me and my boyfriend. But that took us a lot of time and patience. He is still nervous and he have to decide for himself what he wants.

Our cute little Leo!

If you see a cat or animals left alone outside, you actually have a responsibility
to help it! Take It to the vet, or call a animal shelter for help.

One other important thing to have in mind is that giving away kittens for free to strangers isn't good either.

A lot of snake owners actually want kittens to feed their snakes. How often this happens is unknown. That's the reason why you need to sell your kittens for money.

Some of the cats in the shelter like people and loves cuddles, and have once had a home. But this cat was left alone, because the owners moved out and left him by himself.*

To sum up!😄

  • Think about if you can provide a cat for 16 years
  • A lot of stray cats need help: Adopt from your shelter to help cats, or become a foster home for cats
  • Always sterilize/castrate. Cats is overpopulated
  • Take your cat for regular check ups and vaccines.
  • Don't sell your cats for free
  • Let the shelter decide what cat you can help

Our happy cat, Leo, thanking you for reading and thanking everyone who wants to adopt a cat (or five) from shelters

Thank you for reading! I would really like to know about your cat, if its from a shelter or not. Tell me in the comment section!😃


This is such important information and people need to know about it. Adopt, don't shop!

Yes, it really is! 😁

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Takk <3

My cat would have been from a shelter, but I claimed him first. 🙂

A few years ago, a friend who lives on a farm found a stray cat wandering. Lots of people tend to leave their unwanted cats and kittens around farmland and this wasn't the first cat she had found on her property. The cat took to her and liked her, so she decided she would keep it. Took it to the vet to get the cat checked up and desexed, only to find kitty was pregnant!

She looked after the cat whilst she was pregnant and looked after the newborn kittens too, and was going to take the kittens to the animal refuge once they were old enough... on the week she was going to take them into town, I took one of them.



Unfortunately stray cats and overbreeding is rampant where I am too.

They're trying to cut down on it though. For example, pet shops are not allowed to sell cats. Only registered breeders are allowed to breed and sell cats. The only other avenue is from animal shelters. You will not find any classifieds listing saying that there are kittens available; it's just not allowed anymore.

Wow! That is a really nice thing to do and its so sad that so many cats are left alone. Your cat are really beautiful and Im happy that your cat got such a nice owner.

It should be illegal to getting cats who aren't chipped.

Thank you for sharing your cats story! 😃


My cats were stray cats. My partner colleagues found them in a public transportation. They're few week olds that time and doesnt eat it. Only Milk. The amazing feeling of rescuing them and giving them a better life is just something. 💜💜💜

I really love that you chose stray cats! Your cats are lucky to have such a nice owner 😃
I like that the awareness of this problem with overpopulations of cats are getting better. I'm just hoping it's getting illegal to get a cat without get the cat chipped.

Thank you for sharing your cats story!

Ja, They're beyond lucky. 🤣🤣🤣

I hope you'll have a good night sleep! 👋🏼

Thank you 😃 Have a good night sleep to you too!

Curious, do you make the poster yourself? if so that's awesome! if not, it's always advised to source things (information, ideas, pictures) that are not your own.

No it's not! And I actually forgot it. I had the picture saved on my computer, so I don't know the source. If i'm not finding the source, Im going to delete/remove the picture! 😧 Thank you for reminding me!

I hope you can find the image source. I am reminding you because there are people here who take such things seriously :'). Also, welcome to Hive pet community! have fun around meeting other cat moms and cat parents :D

What a good post! If only people only knew how important it is to decorate a cat in our lives. Thank you.

Thank you :D I think it's so important that people know this

Leoo is awesomeee. seeing people taking care of animals always sparks an enormous joy on me.

The castration is a serious problem everywhere. the numbers from Me.Me are scary.. Helping this awesome creatures is a very great feeling.

this is my squad right now, all of them were rescued around where i live, the ones who are not adopted end up living with us :


Keep this great work !! they really need us.

Excellent article, I agree with your opinion adopt!!!

It's so awesome that you are adopting and fostering :) Is there any option of making it illegal to abandon them?