My golden retriever made friends with a cat!

in Hive Pets2 years ago


My dog, a golden retriever named Simon, has been making friends with the neighborhood stray cat. It started a few weeks ago when Simon caught the cat, a tabby named we call Mia, snooping around our backyard. Instead of barking and chasing her away like he usually does with other animals, Simon just stood there wagging his tail. Mia seemed surprised but not scared, so she slowly approached Simon and sniffed his nose. They've been best friends ever since.

It's been really sweet to see them playing together. Mia will sometimes come over to our house just to hang out with Simon, and they always seem to have a good time. I'm glad that Simon has found a friend in Mia, and I think it's just adorable that they've become so close.

Recently, we've been feeding Mia and Simon has taken to sharing his food with her. It's so sweet to see him being so kind and caring, and it just goes to show what a great dog he is.


Oh wow! It is very nice to know your golden retriever made friends with a cat, and to say, a stray cat. Molly, my dog on the other hand hates cats. Not only cats, she hates other dogs, lizards, insects, goats and every other thing..

Haha. She’s just so special.