The Free Spirit Of My Karelian Bear Dog

in Hive Pets3 years ago



The free spirit of my Karelian Bear Dog, Kintla, breathes life into my world. If you’ve read my posts about her, you know she is a primitive breed and an extremely high-maintenance dog. Aside from digging backyard holes to Timbuktu, and prolific barking, her view on life has changed mine—for the better.

Karelians are, by nature, a tough and charismatic breed, but Kintla is so much more than her general breed characteristics. She is sensitive, intuitive, curious, goofy, and mindful. A rainbow of personality abounds in her, and I see different shades of that rainbow every day. Dog trainers sometimes say not to humanize ("anthropomorphize") your pets because they are animals. I agree, but I also believe they are individualistic with unique personalities and attributes.


I grew up with a cat named Max, and he was the coolest cat I've ever known. He was truly a part of our family for 11 years, and I know there will never be a cat like him. He was kind and carried a peaceful demeanor. He was forgiving and affectionate. I would not say that Kintla is peaceful, but that does not mean she is chaotic. She is not affectionate, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love. Kintla is rambunctious and constantly aches for more; that's just her nature. I know our pets are special and come to Earth with unique personalities, just like humans!



Kintla’s need to prance around in the great outdoors gets me off my butt and into nature. She fetches me into her realm to experience the world through her eyes. I experience unmatched joy just watching her bound down trails with a smile on her face—it’s my favorite thing in the world! To think this living, breathing creature is experiencing the beauty of this world introduces life into my soul, and a different kind of happiness I have never known.

For that, I am grateful.
