Getting to know Riley the cute dog

in Hive Pets3 months ago (edited)

Hello pet lovers, I am so glad to be a member of this wonderful community, reading various stories about Hivean’s pets from different parts of the world has been an absolute delight for me.

I love going through my feeds and seeing people’s pets striking various poses for the camera, I love seeing people’s pets do all manner of tricks and best of all reading about the love and bond between pets and their owners.


A month ago I wrote about my experience as a non lover of dogs with a new found friend Riley the cute dog.

So Riley is my friend’s dog and the only dog I have had the balls to touch and carry and as I recounted in that post it was a beautiful experience, one I wanted to relive again, did that happen? Yes, it did!

According to Roger’s Cara’s

Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.

I have heard so much about the bond between owners and their dogs but never have I experienced it first hand as I did today.


Riley was such an entertainer, in fact, 80% of the things my friend and I talked about today were about Riley.
Riley did so many cute tricks and the fact he could follow instructions from my friend was so adorable.

I literally saw Riley give my friend a High five and I was blown away.

How my friend potty-trained Riley still amazes me till now. I have heard of dogs messing up their owner's home but Riley Is different, this dog goes outside does his business, and comes back in.

Least I forget to tell you that Riley is a model, my friend is an influencer always taking pictures and videos and I think her dearest dog has been taking some classes 😂😂 pet and its owner influencing together.


Listening and watching my friend recount how she got Riley was heartwarming. Watching from the sidelines you wouldn’t know how much people love their pets. Seeing pets and their owners on the screen looking all sweet and cute doesn’t depict half of what these pets share with their owners.

Prior to this time whenever I saw people crying bitterly because of the death of their dog, I would always think they were overreacting but now I know they aren’t as some of these pets will forever be their only strongest and loyal allies.


My friend recounted how she had saved money to get Riley and how Riley changed her life, apparently, my friend was at her lowest and according to her “dogs are really man’s best friend as far as being a wonderful friend goes.

I don’t have a pet but seeing how my friend spoke about her pet and how she cares and loves it struck a chord in my heart, “IB could this be a sign?”, Hehehe I don’t know yet only time will tell😃


I was given a dog magazine to read and I was astonished by the number of dog breeds that I had no idea existed as I only knew the popular ones. I also read about dog hygiene, feeding, and safety. Today was both interesting and educational.

I had the opportunity to carry Riley for the second time without being all nervous, I stroked him gently as I took in all his features and today I got to understand the popular “puppy face” people make when they want to beg for something as the “puppy face” is so cute and irresistible! I saw Riley’s face up close and personal and I can attest to the fact that the “puppy face” is truly irresistible!


My friend has tons of pictures with Riley and ever since I picked interest in her dog she doesn’t fail to send me funny pictures or snaps of Riley and all of his pictures turn out really cute. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to capture Riley as all his pictures come out super great.

All images are mine and were posted with the permission of my friend.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


It actually is a sign o😂
What are you waiting for?

But how do you think Riley is taking lessons from your friend and now even is a model?🤣🤣


But how do you think Riley is taking lessons from your friend and now even is a model?🤣🤣

Lol my mind is telling me so oooo😂😂


omg, these pics are the cutest!

Thank you so much🥰🥰

Awwwnnn, Riley looks so cute. I think you have gotten all the signs needed. Go get yourself a cutie too.


Lol Rukkie how did we reply each other’s post simultaneously😂😂😂😂

Could this be a sign? I think it is,

who knows Riley might be able to influence you to become a dog pet owner someday. The way you talk about Riley is just so heartwarming. !LUV


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Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Hehehe thank you Funshee, fingers crossed😃

Ains what a tender and beautiful thing 😍, hopefully one day you will adopt one and be part of his life, it is the best thing that can happen in life to one. You will never regret it.

Ains que cosita más tierna y hermosa 😍, ojala un día te animes adoptar a uno y se parte de su vida, es lo mejor que le puede pasar en la vida a uno. Nunca te arrepentirás.

hopefully one day you will adopt one and be part of his life, it is the best thing that can happen in life to one. You will never regret it.

Fingers crossed my !Lady😊😊