New Experiences with Our Lil Guy

in Hive Pets3 months ago

October last year was our very first time bringing home a pup. While my parents and nieces have dogs, the husband and I never had our own since we settled down. We did play and looked after a few when we were at the other house in the family compound.

This one below, for instance, was my brother's. She loved coming by the house, especially in the morning. Back then, I used to scold her for barging in early, usually with dirty paws that I had to wipe clean before she started jumping on the couch or anything, lol! Please forgive me for the poor quality of the photo though.

She resembles our Anyongi. She was given the name Miss P by my niblings. Unfortunately, we lost her in early 2018 due to what I suspected to be food poisoning. My sister-in-law said she ate a lot during a party. I didn't ask but she may have been left unattended.

Anyhow, it happened and there was nothing we could do but learn from it.

Personal (Initial) Experiences

The day I introduced our little guy to my siblings saying he was their new nephew, they roared in laughter. My brother teased that a puppy's care and maintenance would cost a lot more than a baby's. Wicked, yeah? But they liked him, scratch that, LOVE and welcomed him nonetheless.

Anyway, hubby and I didn't have any prior full-time experience with the proper care of a tiny creature so when we brought Anyongi home, we were like two clueless people browsing the internet about what we should and shouldn't do. Certain adjustments were made in the house, especially in my little home office where we spend most of our time during the day.

In the first week, he peed anywhere on the floor carpet even when we sprayed his litter box with the training scent. It got me frustrated at some point, thinking if he kept doing it, my small corner would be stinky in no time even when I cleaned it as soon as he littered, lol!

Thankfully, he fell into the trick I played, putting his litter box on top of the spot where he often peed. He still had accidental spills on some days but perfected it after a while. He got treats each time he used it correctly. I was proud of being able to train him sooner than expected. Well, he's a smart kid too!

Here's him on the 4th day in the house. He looked so peaceful in his snooze. He was 2 months old in this photo.

On his 11th day, he gave me my first fright when I found him sleeping under my computer table and chair. He could have been hurt if I hadn't looked around first before moving. Aah, the little guy's innocence!

He's still doing it to date even when his tail almost got caught under the chair's wheels. I think he feels comfy down there.

My Blunder as a Fur Mama

While I was usually worried about what we were feeding him, there were a few mistakes that I committed early on. Did I mention bathing him every day?

Yes, bathing him daily during his first 2 weeks with us until the vet advised me not to. I was just thankful that he didn't get sick or something. Accordingly, daily baths damage the natural wax in a dog's fur. Now, he takes a bath every 4-5 days when he smells different. He sleeps in bed with us so I always make sure he is clean :)

Also, I often forget to give him his multivitamins. It's just good that the hubby often reminds me about it when he notices the little guy is restless.

And not getting him out for a walk more often. Reason? I don't want him to get dirty, lol! How selfish yeah? I know. We do get out each morning to catch some Vitamin D. I just don't let him run around the yard. Well, we play inside the house, ball fetching and such so I think that makes up for it, hehe.

Life with Our Anyongi

Our wee kingdom has never been the same since our little guy joined us. I can't even pinpoint what changed exactly, I just feel it. And if we had a neighbor close to our house, they would wonder what's making me laugh most of the day.

He grew up so quickly and he may not know it (I think he does), but he's teaching us many things, patience the most, especially for me. The house is no longer quiet like it used to yet it's fun.

And not to forget that our adventures are now more exciting. Of course, he's always one to be considered when planning related things.

"You're loko, Anyongi. I should be the first!" that's the hubby scolding the little guy one time he caught him giving me his many smooches first thing in the morning before he did. But yeah, he's our alarm clock, making sure we are up before he gets hungry, lol!

Well, this is already long so I'm going to stop now before more tales come out. Until next time!

By the way, this is my participation in INLEO's March Prompt for the topic of pets. Check it here and join us too :)

All photos are my own. 22032024/20:28ph

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Beautiful anyongi,
You're right, sometimes having them always benefit us in learning how to be patience and kind. Thanks for sharing

Yeah, that's a whole lot to learn from them :) Thank you Ashiru


Your little guy (Anyongi) is cute and so fond to be with, and I can see you've really come to get accustomed with him

Many thanks. Yes, he's a darling to us 😊


Anyongi is such a little cutie, you're doing a great job and he's also a smart chap.

Thank you !LADY 😍

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You're welcome, and thank you for the token 🤗

wow, he is soo cute and adorable. How quickly they grow old and smarter day by day. Keep

Yes, they do :) Time goes by quickly too.


Oh this is so beautiful, Anyongi has brought nothing but joy and truly it never remains the same without him.

Yeah. Never thought he'd give us such a wonderful experience :)


amiegeoffrey, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Ang cute tlga nya.. soon, big boy na hehe

Sana nga wag lumaki masyado haha.


jane1289, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (6/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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What a cutie! They surely teach us things we need reminding of. I haven't had a pet in a very long time. The last time I had, it was killed in a road accident. Haven't gotten one since then, but we have dogs at home. My parents are taking care of them

Thank you and they sure do. I'm sorry to hear about your last pet. My cousin had the same experience and she cried a whole lot...

OMG!!! Cutie... Sending a lot of love...

Hehe, thank you lots, sis. I appreciate it 🤗

I don't even like going near dogs. I usually think they are harmful. 😃

I used to think that way, especially when I was bitten by one before. Found out that they are the sweetest. !LUV

christybliss, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (4/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Wao, she looks very cute and beautiful. I am sure you will take proper care of her and you will maintain the beautiful it has already. I love pet so much and I they can be annoying sometimes just like humans do😁. Great one my friend.

Haha yeah, they do annoy us at times, but they are still the sweetest 😊

Yeah, you are correct. I love that part.😀

Anyongi looks really adorable. It’s a shame I don’t know my way around pets. I’m just going to freak out once I get close to them.😂

Haha, I was the same. It's different when you have your own.

Maybe I would consider getting one of my own.😄

wow, anyongi looks cute and adorable... your hubby is jealous of your baby 😜😜 it was fun reading your post... lots of love to baby anyongi ❤️

Haha, yeah. Well, the little guy is always early so he keeps beating him, lol! Thank you for your kind words.


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The experience is memorable every time we go to hang out with any cute animal like this.

It sure is. Maybe it's time to get yours too :)

They make life better, full of love.

He looks so beautiful, he is lucky to have loving parents.

I also made the mistake of bathing mine too often.

That's very true. Their warmth is indescribable. We learn through our experiences with them :)


soyunasantacruz, ifarmgirl sent you LUV. 🙂 (8/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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🥰😊 thank you🌷🌼🌻

So you mean taking care of a puppy is usually more important than that of a baby?

Well, I never said any of that. Wonder which part of the post made you think I meant anything like that🤔👀

Both baby and puppy are important and they should be taken with utmost care😉

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So cute, And I love how you care for your dog, I can so relate to browsing the internet for every info when my dad brought in a pup, and I learned a lot and also made lots of mistakes, glad our little buddy is kicking healthy, and yea, they grow so fast, patience is really everything having a fur family.

Thank you, Glory. It's a learning experience that I'm very much willing to go through :) Glad your fur buddy is doing great.


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If you take an animal, you have to take care of it like you would do with a kid, he relies on you and you are his world and his did a good job there...I had a dog and cats but I prefer cats overall 😅


Yeah, that's very true. We have to be responsible for them. I think cats are adorable pets too :) My niece had a Persian before. He scratched my hand hard when I tried to bath him, lol!

If you try and bath a cat, you risk your life 😂

Guess you're right, haha. I thought he would be different😂

I found nasty month-old leftover mac and cheese in the fridge.
It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.

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So cute and adorable, nakakawala Ng stress♥️

Oo, imbes na magalit ka sa kung anong ginawa nya, matatawa ka na lang 😅


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Anyway, we keep learning day by day

We sure do. Thank you, !LADY

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He's Lovely 🥺