A New Found Friend and A Memory of the Past

in Hive Pets10 months ago (edited)

Hello Friends! I’m back again and this time with a new friend😊. This is my second blog so far and if you wanna know more about me you can see it here. So far I haven’t named him yet as I’ve just got him recently so I’d appreciate it if some of y’all could suggest a name for him. He was given to me by my uncle as a gift. I’m not sure what breed he is and all my uncle said was just this cute little dwarf is a half-breed.


[Also for those who don't know I also have a cat.You can see him here.]

Now having a pet means a lot to me as a whole. Some people have pets for a variety of reasons like to help them chase out mice, some have them to keep guard of their house, and the police also use them for sniffing out some crime-related stuff.

But honestly, for me, they're just a bunch of cute little friends to lean on at tough times. To express your feelings too.To cry upon on. When you don't have anyone there for you anymore, they're just there standing by the corner, waiting for you. That's what they are and will always be to me.

We’ve only been together for a few days but I know for sure that this bond will go far. He’s such a cutie patotie. The way he runs towards me when I call for him is just far too cute especially when he trips which he usually does probably because of how big his tummy is and his little legs can’t support him enough😂.


Here is a picture of him hiding because my dad walked in🤣.

He is a very shy dog when others are around but when it's just the two of us he just goes wild all the time😂He does a lot of crazy things like biting my toes, climbing onto my bed, and barking at my ears, going around on circles and lot more crazy things that he could do.

Also when he's not doing some crazy stuff all he does is sleep especially after he's done eating. There's a 100% chance that he'll fall asleep after he finishes eating a whole meal. I don't know but all my dog and my other cat do is sleep if not do crazy things. Well, I guess they are somewhat similar to their owner BUT at least I do not go around places doing crazy things😌.


Here is a picture of him biting my shorts off. As you can see his munching on my shorts quite aggressively if I may say😂.His one crazy dog I tell you😂.

Disclaimer:You Can Skip This Part If You Want This Is Just Me Remembering A Friend Of Mine

Now all this talk about this dwarf made me reminisce a certain friend of mine back in the day. I've had a lot of friends before I was 7. I used to have a pet dog named "Pacman" (Inspired by a famous Filipino boxer worldwide) he was a close friend of mine but unfortunately, he was killed by the officials of our town due to him biting a stranger's arm and the worst part is I saw it as a 7 years old child. I cried and cried as I saw my best friend get killed by the people. Until I fell asleep from exhaustion and when I woke up he was not there anymore, gone like he was never there. I mourned for his death and would always ask Mom "Where is Pacman" for a couple of months until I moved on.

Now I know you might say "Awww what a tragic story" but for me now as a 17-year-old kid,10 years apart from that time, it was honestly not. I mean we used to hang out a lot. Go to the mountains quite often and do a lot of other fun stuff too. It was a time well spent for a short-lived friendship and honestly, I am not sad about anything at all. I'm honestly happy for him, that he finally gets to rest in peace (though I doubt the me ten years ago would understand). But as of today, all is good and done I've moved on and that's what's important.
So anyways back to this dwarf here. He has helped me relieve some stress these past few days. Although he's such a wild dog and sometimes I get angry at him.If we were to set aside the times when all he does are just crazy things. He's done quite a ton for me in the short period we've been together so far. I'm not saying that sleeping and going around biting people is bad since that is normal for most dogs but I hope that he minimizes that habit of his. Besides, overall I'd give him a solid 9/10(I don't know why I'm giving him a rating but since there's no harm to it, let's do it anyway).

In the future, I hope we can bond a lot more than we do now. I would like to go on walks and stuff with him. I would also love to go climb the mountain at the back of our house with him just like what we used to do with my dear friend "Pacman". Time is short I know that from experience that's why I just want what little time we have now to be a memory that I can reminisce on when I get older and say "What a fun time it was back in the day".

So yeah, that's about it for this blog. I know that this is just a short blog. But please do understand that this is just me expressing my feelings towards this New Found Friend of mine and of course, I cannot end this blog without a cute dwarf picture😂. Thank you all for making it this far. See you soon for more blogs in the future. I hope you'll continue to support me in the future. Stay Tuned!




I honestly feel you, I mourn over a pet, too. It was quite sad and just devastating ( anw, it's a cat ) but anyways, we can't do anything about it. I hope they're happy now ( wherever they is ). I suggest you could name him Cookie ( idk, the color reminds me of cookies ) have a great day ahead!

Your right we can't do anything about the past all we can do is move on and have a much better life. I believe that that's what our dead pets would want too.

Also thank you for such a nice name I'll definitely consider naming him Cookie😊.

Mhmmm, How about naming "Hive" for that cutie pup? 😀

I appreciate people taking care and spending time for their pets, even though I couldn't see myself having one. 😅

He's cute! 🐶

Naming him Hive would be a fun idea I'll consider it after some time 🥰.

We all have our own preferences maybe you are busy with your work or something.

But I suggest having one, they help you on times when you're having a really bad day or just simply don't have anything to do.

Taking care of pets require responsibility so I hope you will take care of that pup. Nurture it and show it with love. I would love for you to name him with your favorite anime character.

Then Lelouch it is!!

You have a very cute dog, I hope i was like you too who loves dog but unfortunately I was not, but I dont literally hate dogs I just dont like how aggressive they are. Have a good day!🤗

Thank you so much!

What you said about them being aggressive is true but after some time you'll get used to it or even love it about them (at least that's how it is for me).

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Having a pet is truly is heartwarming, as a dog person having a loving companion really means so much since they’re also a therapy to cure our loneliness and they can help us relieve stress from many sort of things. Hoping to see both of you grow up together❤️

Exactly! They cannot only be there for you in tough times but at fun times as well and that makes them even more loveable🥰.

que bello! chiquitos son necios jeje pero como alegran el día!

how beautiful! little ones are silly hehe but how they brighten up the day!

They so much do. It's truly amazing how such little creatures lift you up when your having a bad day.

They really are wonderful!

👀😭 What a tragic thing for a child to have to endure. Wow! I'm shocked.

I hope your new little one brings you only healing and absolute joy, my angel.

It truly was tragic but hey I've moved on now and all is good ☺️.

They surely will!

Happy for you.

Enjoy the little one. They grow up too fast :)