Kitty can't give birth.

in Hive Pets11 months ago


I had always thought that kittens gave birth naturally, that they didn't need any help from humans to give birth, how wrong I was, this initial thought changed completely last week when my sister's kitten called Minina who was about to give birth couldn't give birth, in several attempts she couldn't, there my theory that they can give birth by themselves because nature provides them with the necessary tools, fell down.


Immediately I thought: maybe she is not due to give birth yet, because in reality we did not know the exact time she was in gestation, so my sister waited to see if she could continue her process, when she saw that she was trying and could not, she called her neighbour, a girl who loves animals and is close to graduating from veterinary school, when she checked Minina she felt that the kittens were still moving and that the kitten was trying but could not, she injected Oxytocin to achieve the necessary contractions but it did not solve the problem.

The neighbour stayed all day with the kitten without asking for anything in return, after a while she told my sister that she would have to take her to a vet, my sister had already inquired with several vets, when she arrived at the first vet, he told her that he was going to inject Oxytocin to give her contractions, my sister told him that her neighbour had already done this procedure but he insisted that this was the correct procedure, that she would go to the vet and they would perform the same procedure.


My sister decided to go to another vet and they told her that they had to perform an emergency operation on Minina, but the price of the operation was very expensive and my sister didn't have the money so unfortunately she had to look for another vet, in that vet the money was more important than the love for the animals.

My sister could not stop crying when she saw that the kitten was bleeding with a foul smell and there she took her laptop to sell it to get the money, she also began to borrow and people told her to resign herself because they did not have that amount of money, so after calling and calling without success, my niece called her godfather who lives in the United States and he immediately deposited the money when he saw the photos and told her not to give the money back, So with the money in hand she went to another vet who had love for animals and charged her much less, we were surprised when she charged 65 dollars to operate on Minina, there I realized the difference between other veterinary clinics that see animals as a business and this vet who was more concerned about saving the life of the kitten.


Although it was not a very elegant clinic, the love for the animals overcame that and they operated on Minina saving her life, unfortunately her offspring did not have the same luck, the doctor also sterilized her and although that has a separate cost she did not charge for it.



The doctor mentioned to my sister that the kitten couldn't give birth because when she was little the kitten always jumped from the bed to the floor and that made her back legs get closer together than usual, so when she tried to give birth no matter how much she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to, so you shouldn't put the kittens on the bed because if not this will happen because they are restless and will always jump from the bed to the floor.


So we are happy with God because the kitten was saved, now it remains to follow the treatment at home, and with the remaining money my sister could cover the medicines and when it is time to go to the vet again to remove the stitches.


And as always the animals are grateful, Minina despite being recently operated as she could she came to the kitchen to accompany my sister to cook as she does every day, That touched my sister because even though the kitty is in pain her loyalty is stronger than her pain and well I am very happy because for a moment I thought that Minina was not going to pass this test and not because of her but because as in everything, money always wants to be the protagonist.



I have always liked happy endings and for me this is one, thank you for reading these lines because this is a way of expressing that no matter how difficult a situation is and that we don't have the resources, there will always be a way, a door will always open, Thank you for being part of this reading.

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Text translated with the help of Deepl,com

All photos are my own, taken with a Samsung phone.


your kitty looks very grateful for having her life saved, and it was extremely lucky that you've found a good vet to operate on her, hope she has a fast recover from her stitches, she'll sure be well taken cared of by your kind sister 😊 thanks for sharing your heart warming experience about this!

Thank you very much for your support, and yes, Minina will get through this stage with success, as I always say, she still has 7 lives left haha.

It is a tragic story but I am so glad that the kitty was saved, that things worked out for the best and that she is now at home getting treatment. I understand the concern her owner may have felt going through that with her cat, I hope she makes a full recovery in the next few weeks.❤️

Yes, the kitten is evolving well thanks to God, we continue to follow her recovery, thank you for your visit.