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RE: Saving Pepe patas rojas, the thrush.[ Esp/Eng]

in Hive Petslast month

That's very kind of you rescuing pepe. I hope he'll recover soon. It's unfortunate that these days temperature aren't so friendly to feather friends and even cats/dogs. It gets extremely hot over where I am from and has affected my pets too.


Before when there were louvered windows they could escape, but now with all glass it is more hermetically sealed and hot, it looks like an oven inside, too hot for them....
It is sad yes...
That's why many of us are attentive to take them out to their habitat so that these deadly accidents do not occur....
The temperature is very high right now here in my country...just a moment ago in the street a big dog passed by me with a lot of suffocation, it was a horrible pity I could not help him, there was nowhere to give him water...😔.