Hedge Hogs Or A Rat With Spikes

in Hive Pets2 years ago

The coffee shop I work at is at a nursery , and when there is a flower nursery there we are always bound to meet animals . As an animal lover , Coffee and a beautiful flower nursery with animals always in the surrounding of the place , what more can I ask for . I do have a pet cat named P.J which we just got a month ago. She was a stray found in the hedge near our flats and no one really wanted to take her in. So no animal should go homeless in my eyes as it is not their choice to be , especially if they are babies. We had welcomed her in our house and she is very playful. I think she has adhd like me. cause her energy levels are high. super high. But this post is not about her it is about the other bets i see on a daily at the flower nursery where my coffee shop is. You never know what pets is about to come in or what type of dog.


The hedge hog owners did not want the hedge hog anymore so they brought it to the flower nursery . Well gave it to the flower nursery, this was during winter time when they where set to Hibernate . The female was in a big daze and looked all shacky and as if she was week but I had assumed that was because she was going in to the process of hibernation . We had them here through out the winter , while we searched for someone who was compatible and animal loving to look after them . After they came out of hibernation we managed find good owners for them . We had gotten a huge tank and all the lighting for them . I am really not one to keep animals in a cage and I would love for animals to rather be out in the open to enjoy the fresh grass .


This is lizzy she is the nursery dog . Well not dog , but human dog I must say . She is so smart , and what is crazy is that there was a study of where dogs do not have a perception of time like us humans do . We look at our watch in order for us to know the time of day . At exactly 4:30 she knows it closing time and barks for us to close and for her owner to go home , she is abit Cheaky but very loving . She is very big on attention and if you do not give her any she will nudge you with her pour until you give her the attention she requires . She does stink a lot though because she is for ever rolling in the mud or what ever puddle of water . The owners owns a dog parlor . So Lizzy is for ever going there to get washed but around 3 days she will be back to her self . She loves eating dried up frogs and dead birds . I have no idea why but it looks horrible when she does . There is no way stopping her at all , cause if you have ever tried to chase her , just know it will feel as if your running in slow motion . She is human friendly and loves everything about humans . Apart of me thinks she wants to be a bit like a human for some reason . When a song comes up that has a piano she howls to it every single time . She is also picky , she will not eat what every you want to give to her . A slice of white bread or a chip is not on her taste bud menu at all. But then again dead birds and frogs are .

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I do not know if you feel the same but she has such an elegant face and the way she looks.


This here is Dingo and he is one of the most loving dogs ever. He is huge and only has three legs . When he was young he got out of the yard and ran in to traffic . Unfortunately he had lost his legs . He is very human friendly and loves cuddles with his big head against you chest . Unfortunately he does not like stray dogs or random dogs that come in the nursery so he stays on the house side of the fence and we do not let him in to the nursery . For a three legged dog he can move pretty fast . Specially when I have chicken nuggets for him . I am currently teaching him how to eat food slowly and take food slowly from my hand as he has a bit a grab . Him and lizzy are actually really close with lizzy being a really bossy dog and dose not take his naughtiness. Like when he is in the nursery and not suppose to . She bites his back legs and barks at him to get back to the house . That is another pointer of how smart lizzy is .


Ding is actually my favorite ill say, though it is hard for me to choice . But just by his personality and the way he is. He is really a gentle giant and i have never had a bad experience or moment . All he really wants is just love and rubs . And if i am laying on the ground, he comes and he lays right next to me with his pore on me and he big head over my chest. three legs dose not stop him from enjoying the best things in life. I have a big place in my heart for him forever.

Thank you for checking out my blog and reading, its great to see the animal lovers so active with their pets!


I don't want to be a buzz kill but I think that is a tenrec and not a hedgehog

Princess Prickly Pear Huffleton the Third

Princess is an African Pygmy hedgehog

Friendly but not cuddly

What you have is likely known as lesser Madagascar tenrec or lesser hedgehog tenrec.
The only reason I am pointing this out is that their diets, habitats, and bathing requirements are not the same. To know more read this article:
It has a lot of good information about the differences and similarities.

*All photos were taken by me.

thank you for that!!! i didn't know that, we learn something every day!!

Thanks for taking my advice so well. I wouldn't have known the difference if my SO didn't have a friend with a tenrec.

I wanna cuddle all of them so bad!!

aww yes they so cute and good at giving cuddles.. except the hedge hogs ahahah