[ENG/ESP] Piroca hens and feather-legged chicken/ Gallinas pirocas y pollo patas plumosas.

in Hive Petslast month
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about my piroca hens and feather-legged chicken, it is an important breed that we should not lose.

I keep them locked up because we are making another chicken coop for them, so they will be more comfortable with a new rooster.

This feather-legged chicken still has some growing to do and I'm going to leave it as a rooster, I won't leave it with the others because they injure it.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre mis gallinas pirocas y pollo patas plumuda, es una raza importante que no debemos perder.

Las mantengo encerradas porque estamos haciendo otro gallinero para ellas, asi estarán mas comodas con un nuevo gallo.

Este pollo patas plumuda todavia le falta por crecer y lo voy a dejar para gallo, no lo dejo con los demas porque lo lesionan.


We must know how to locate the animals since they often fight, and if we are not careful they can kill each other, it has happened to me with roosters.

We must give them their daily food so that they have better development, corn alone does not act as quickly, so we must combine it.

During the winter we can add some plants, foods, vegetables, fruits among other important things, plus vitamins and dewormers.

Debemos saber ubicar a los animales ya que muchas veces suelen pelear, y si nos descuidamos se pueden matar entre ellos, me ha pasado con los gallos.

Debemos darle su alimento diario para que tengan un mejor desarrollo, el maiz solo no actúa tan rápido, asi que debemos combinarlo.

Durante el invierno podemos agregar algunas plantas, alimento, verduras, frutos entre otras cosas importantes, mas las vitaminas y desparasitantes.



I already have several breeds of chickens and I tell you that the pirocas of this color have turned out very well, I hope to have many offspring.

The eggs are white and of normal size, we must help them with calcium so that when they are laid they do not break them.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

Ya tengo varias razas de gallinas y les digo que me han salido muy buenas las pirocas de este color, espero poder tener muchas crias.

Los huevos son de color blanco y de tamaño normal, debemos ayudarlas con calcio para que cuando se echen no los quiebre.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.


I agree. There will be a cockfight if you leave both roasters together it will end up dinner later. Hahaha

Everyone who raises birds knows that roosters should be kept separate, although sometimes hens tend to fight, greetings @fixyetbroken