[ENG/ESP] Third birth of a poult/ Tercer nacimiento de un pavito.

in Hive Petslast month
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about how the third birth of a poult is going, since we are in winter the turkey stops to eat and gets her legs covered in mud, and I must be cleaning.

The third poult is here and I feel happy because I am already seeing the harvest of my work for months.

It's incredible how they break the shell and have strength from a young age, I think they do it with their legs, I just have to observe better.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre como va el tercer nacimiento de un pavito, como estamos en invierno la pava se para a comer y se llena las patas de lodo, y debo estar limpiando.

Ya va el tercer pavito y me siento contenta porque ya estoy viendo las cosechas de mi trabajo durante meses.

Es increible como rompen el cascarón y tienen una fuerza desde pequeños, creo que lo hacen con sus patas, solo debo observar mejor.


Turkeys are delicate from a young age and have many predators, which is why I prefer to raise them on my own, there is always an animal on the lookout for them.

I already have three and today I did the ovoscopy on two eggs that I have left and they move inside the poults, I hope they hatch soon.

We must check the eggs while they are hatching since black ants, lice and yellow ants get in quickly to kill the poult.

Los pavos desde pequeños son delicados y tienen muchos depredadores, es por ello que yo prefiero criarlos por mi cuenta, siempre está un animal al acecho de ellos.

Ya tengo tres y hoy le hice la ovoscopia a dos huevos que me quedan y se mueven dentro los pavitos, espero nazcan pronto.

Debemos revisar los huevos mientras estén naciendo ya que las hormigas negras, piojillos y hormigas amarillas se meten rápido para matar el pavito.



In total they take between 26 and 28 days to be born, it all depends on the winter or summer, the higher the temperatures the fewer they are born.

I hope to continue with these baby turkeys, I have already bought the ideal food for them, this will help them grow stronger and are less likely to get sick.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

En total duran para nacer entre 26 y 28 dias, todo depende del invierno o verano, mientras las temperaturas estén mas altas menos nacen.

Espero seguir con estas crias de pavos, ya compré el alimento ideal para ellos, esto los ayudará a fortalecerse en su crecimiento y son menos propensos a enfermarse.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.


They're lovely. And the Momma turkey is so beautiful! You're taking great care of them. Keep it up.

Thank you friend, there are already three and the next few days will be more, I will take good care of you, greetings @melibee

besos a los amigasos aplumado y todos de tu familia...de cuatro patas y de dos.