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RE: Caturday - From A DIY Solution Of Elevating Food Bowls To A New Bamboo System

in Hive Pets2 months ago

I relate to this struggle so hard lol. I've got 3 cats, one of them for 10 years now and I'm still trying to figure him out.

The newest one, 2 years old, seems to consider moving water his greatest nemesis, so I've had to stick with the traditional bowl - I always go ceramic though. Less chance of toxins. I never touch plastic!

My current battle is with weight. One cat is skinny, one is fat, the other is just right. Dieting for one is impossible without starving the others as he'll eat theirs. Sigh. The only think I can think of is investing in one of those 'cat ID unlock'-type bowl systems but I'm not even convinced that'll do the trick as he meows like madness whenever he's not totally fed to satisfaction, and my wife works from home so... urrrrgh.

Always an adventure!


I relate to this struggle so hard lol. I've got 3 cats, one of them for 10 years now and I'm still trying to figure him out.

Haha, I may end up the same with Maesi :)

The newest one, 2 years old, seems to consider moving water his greatest nemesis..

Sounds like Maesi with the fountain I had (big and from stainless steel, for the toxin chances lol) and still she moved off the lid several times a day. A water ballet was the result. Sent it back..

My current battle is with weight. One cat is skinny, one is fat, the other is just right. Dieting for one is impossible without starving the others as he'll eat theirs.

We have the same thing although just with 2 cats, Luna is getting fatter and fatter as she loves to eat and eat more.. I tried diet food the last round and had to contact the seller to take back the 4 bags left as Maesi didn't eat a thing. You know the separation struggle, it's impossible.

Now I'm back to the original food we had for 6 months and both loved but it's annoying because Luna is so fat and Maesi is perfect. We're now considering to remove the bowls and give it only twice or three times a day but like you, we have a loud cat (Maesi) who will keep complaining loudly if she needs something.

We'll see.. what an adventure it is to have cats but we !LUV them so much, don't we?

Haha yep for sure. It's really a minor inconvenience, and kind of like a puzzle always trying to get the perfect solution lol. Good luck!

Yes, they bring too much love to be so bothered by all these things. I love how they all are their own persona and not just like every other one out there. It's great actually.

Have a lovely Sunday!

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