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RE: My Cat is a Hero!

in Hive Pets19 days ago

Oh yeah so similar haha! Maybe they're siblings except one accidentally ended up the other end of the planet!

Some people claim this or that fur colour reflects personality a bit... I doubt it but still wonder if possible. I always had a good vibe with calico types!

PS. Now I want to get a big pillow thing for my cats like I see here


I think I read between the lines that yours also was a street cat? Our little Luna and her siblings were found in the garbage, dumped there by a horrible human being (obviously). It's a thing here, we fostered another nest who also almost didn't make it due to being thrown in the garbage.. horrible!

I love it when I find good people (cat people lol) and connect with those!

The big blanket was originally meant for my bed, but when the cats were still allowed in my bedroom, Maesi used it to meditate (read: try to heal me with her vibrations).. she took it a little overboard to the point that my whole blanket was soaked and when I wanted to move it around I had wet hands, lol.

She meant well though. On the sofa you can see how I put it over a few soft pillows as it seems to be the comfy way for Luna, we aren't sure as she never complains but it seems her fatness is getting in the way a bit.

Back to the blanket point, both cats like to make biscuits (calm themselves, meditate, whatever you want to call it) on these extreme soft blankets.. Maesi does it almost instantly whenever there's such a blanket.

Good to connect!

I think I read between the lines that yours also was a street cat?

Yeah, I found her in the middle of a highway coming home after midnight, hiding under a dividing barrier thing. Took me an hour to get her out and carried on my shoulder home. The problem here is a little different. Yes, it's one of the most brutally cruel places on the planet regarding animals (China if you didn't know), but the reason so many street cats exist is because the older folk keep feeding them, thinking they're doing something kind. Then they breed themselves into overpopulated starvation, mothers abandon their cats on the road.

Difficult to deal with...

I love these new uses of words; meditate, make biscuits. Gonna use from now on! (although I hate the 'furbaby' thing lol)

Ok I don't want to start an eternal comment feed lol BUT in an update to a previous convo, I've found a cat food bowl that I'm gonna try. Quite simple, just one of those timer ones. Raised, ceramic bowl. If it functions, i'll get 3. spread 'em around the room and set them to open all at once, so the fatty can't easily steal meals.

Also thinking about Another water fountain but larger size I can tape to the floor...fingers crossed!