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RE: Aaannnnnd ACTION!

in Hive Pets6 months ago

I need to work on my transparency, this is the internet, here goes.

Gotta run now, gotta go, catch you laterz when you're donez.

You're using a Kodak? WTH, as in WTH, with a 15x zoom and voice activated shutter? You better tell me what settings your using. That counts.

no hidden innuendos here, just images and their assigned titles.


I was sure I saw you comment that the one I said left the ground was your fav. Are you practicing faking it now?

They're dedicated to the haters.

I feel so left out of those special peoples peopling here.


Like hearing a guitar string played on a turntable cartridge or scratching on one the size of a tape measure, some things can't be imitated.

You always hit the mark with music. Wicked tune.