Winters for Animals 🤠

in Hive Pets4 months ago

Hey Everyone, Hope You are all fine and enjoying winter season.
This season shows diverse effects, like in some areas, due to snow fall peoples enjoy alot and also became a great attraction for tourists but in some areas, cold dry weather causes outdoor activities difficult.
This winter season is very severe for humans as well as for animals and birds.
I must say that as a humans, we should take care of all other creatures and help them for their comfort.
I was visiting to a nearby area and I click some photos of Goats 🐐 and It looks quite funny 😅 but I am amazed to see how theír owner looks after them.

Humans have their on mind and reflexes and we are called Crown of All Creatures but on the other hand such animals can't tell how they are suffering or what they want.
That's why if You have pets, they totally relys on You.

Like in these pictures You can see this goat is wearing a sweater 😹.
Its lovely. If I talk about myself, in my home, my uncle had a Goat and due to severe winters she has lost her life.
Many birds and animals died during winters because of no feed.
I always take care of birds feed and also pour fresh water in pot. So they can get food easily.
This goat have two babies and they are looking so cute😍.

They all were sitting in sunshine and enjoying it.

If You find an opportunity to help these creatures, never miss that and try to take care of them because they are dependent on us.
Just look at these little sparrows that were feeding on pieces of bread and my home is all time fill with these tiny ,cute birds because I never let their feeding pot empty.

My little daughter is naughty and whenever she tries to catch them, they flew away and it's mind refreshing to hear their chirping.
Hope You like my post.
Have a great day to all.
Thanks for stopping by and read it.


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