Recovering Puppy - by Sunscape

in Hive Petslast year

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Our little girl laying in her bed due to her painful spaying surgery. It broke my heart to see her laying there whimpering and yelping in pain. They did give her nerve pain medication which did help to keep her drowsy. However, Mika whined every time she tried to move for the first 24 hours.

I had to be very careful picking her up to take her outside for potty breaks. Many times she would just lie down and start to shiver from the cold air, perhaps it was from the pain as well.


She must have needed comforting because she stayed very close to me at all times. I would sit quietly in my chair reading so she would stay calm and not move around too much for the first two days. We gave her one of her chewies and she just lay next to it without any interest in it.


By the 4th day she was starting to act more like herself but we tried to keep her quiet by giving her more crate time. She did not seem to mind that very much even though we rarely closed the door on it since we got her.


Here we are sitting in my chair together while she chews on one of her favorite chewies. She is finally enjoying them again. I forgot to mention that they pulled two of her baby teeth while she was under anesthesia. I had asked them to make sure to check her mouth as she had two adult teeth that came in and did not push out the baby ones.


Day 6 was a whole different Mika as she wanted to get back to playing with her toys. Every time she got a little too frisky though she would stop dead in her tracks and lick her stitches. Here surgery site was healing nicely and only had a little bit of swelling. We had to wait another few days to take her back to the vet for a check-up.

Up until her spaying, Mika did not mind going to see the vet for her vaccines. But, this time she shivered and cried in my arms while we waited to see the doctor. All they had to do was look her over to make sure that she was healing properly. Thankfully, that only took a few minutes and we were on our way home.


Mika was so stressed out over the long ride and doctor's visit that she slept for two hours straight when we got home. I am so glad that that part of her journey is over and I don't have to watch her suffer in pain any longer. That was so hard for me and I am sure that when one of your family pets is hurting you feel the same way.

That is my puppy update for now my friends. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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Poor little tailed girl😥 I hope she’ll better soon

Thank you so much, @toren-di-torem Mika is finally recovering nicely and acting more like a happy puppy once again. That spaying put a real bad hurting on my little girl. Have a wonderful week.

It's good that that's over and she'll be better soon. Without a doubt, our pets are very important and when something happens to them it is difficult.❤️❤️❤️

Yes, it was Denisse, I felt so bad for her and questioned having it done. But, I do not want her having any puppies either.

Mika is soooo sweet. Give her a warm hug from me ❤️

Awe, thank you, Silvia. I will give her your love. Have a wonderful week doing your art.

I lived in Budapest until the end of 2014, and one of our neighbors had a similar male dog. His name was Buci, and his fur was somewhat darker than Mika. Mika reminds me of him, and of the time I lived in Budapest. I hope that Mika will be good as soon as possible.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Thank you, @xplosive for sharing your story with me. Mika is recovering well, but I wish I had not had to put her through all that. Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by.

Poor puppy, sorry to hear she had such a bad reaction to the surgery. Glad she is felling better now.

Yes, Mika is feeling more like herself now. I hope you are feeling back to your best self as well. Have a wonderful week. My first onion seedlings poked through the soil yesterday, I am so excited to grow them for the first time. Plus we got another light snowfall yesterday too. Stay warm and safe!

Good to know she's recovering well, no infections and such. Sucks for the pain they feel tho :/ but it is worth it as spaying saves them from future stress of birth and unwanted litters. You did a responsible thing as a pet owner. :D Hopefully in the next few days (or weeks?) she will be able to run around and play :D