in Hive Pets5 months ago


Since childhood, our family never had a pet. We grew up with only other family members, and even if my sister and I liked cats, it was the neighbor's cat that sometimes stopped by to relax at our house. However, as time passed, and my sister had two sons, they were both very determined to have a cat, and so the household grew.



If you think Jeni is fierce, you're wrong. Jeni is a female cat that my sister-in-law adopted from a colleague at work. Jani is a mixed cat, whose face is no longer authentic. Because Jeni was the only pet in our house, she was very lazy to get along with other cats around the house. In fact, she always gets angry when a neighbor's cat comes near. LOL Jeni.

Somehow, Jeni finally wanted to join my neighbor's male cat named Moli, and soon Jeni's children were born: Chibi and Bubu.

Chibi is female, and Bubu, whose gray fur is the male kitten. Both are now six months old. There is a difference in character between Bubu and Chibi that really caught my attention.



Having two colors on her fur, white and gray, Chibi has a pretty friendly face but she is a picky kitten. She always chooses who she wants to play with, usually she gets along well with my two nephews. Most like to play in the yard, sometimes she happily climbs the rambutan tree in our yard, then forgets how to get down. OMG, Chibi, what's wrong with you? LOL





The next male kitten is Bubu, his whole coat is gray like his mother, he is bigger than Chibi. Look at his face, it doesn't look very friendly does it?

Even so, Bubu is a kitten who is friendly with everyone, he even likes to sleep in my room day and night. He will disappear for a while to pee or poop and eat (this part is already available in the back), the rest of the time, he really likes to lie down. Occasionally the two will play together. Chibi also joins me to sleep in my room sometimes, but not as often as Bubu.



One day when my youngest niece was sick with fever, she was just lying down and lazy to move, funnily enough, Jeni and her son, Bubu, came together and approached Renra. Both of them sat by Renndra's side as if they knew their beloved playmate was sick. Hahaha... I was so happy to see this beautiful moment. All the members in this family love our three cats very much.


Titis N

Hi, I am the child of the universe, I like to read books with various genres. I was born in the city of batik but can't draw batik yet. I want to be a novelist, but my works are only short poems that are included in anthology books.

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Awww that's just cute. ❤️ Cats are really great to have at home.

I consider them my nephews now. ha ha ha

Pero que bonitos son esos dos!. Preciosos gatitos!

so cute of this two cats, and maybe Jeni is just protecting their family (you) to the intruder (neighbor cat) . 🤗Greetings

Wow... really? I suddenly agreed with that possibility. Oh, how sweet my Jeni is. Thank you for supporting my post, Dear.

Welcome, and nice meeting you🙂

Yay! 🤗
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