Hive Pets Community: Logo y Banner

in Hive Pets3 years ago

What a wonderful pleasure to be able to participate in this beautiful community, and create a logo and banner representative of pets.

It is so beautiful to be protectors of our pets, to love them, from that little animal to those so big, that fill us with so much love.

Que gusto tan maravilloso poder participar en esta hermosa comunidad, y crear un logo y banner representativo a las mascotas.

es tan hermoso ser protectores de nuestras mascotas, de amarlos, desde ese animalito tan pequeño hasta esos tan grandotes, que nos llenan de tanto amor.

logo 1.jpg

This is how they should be, happy, so full of life, of that unconditional love that he transmits to us, full of positive energy, they are a treasure that we have at home.

Así deberían estar ellos, felices, tan llenos de vida, de ese amor tan incondicional que nos transmite, llenos de energía positiva, ellos son un tesoro que tenemos en casa.


Proceso de la elaboración del Logo, realizado en photoshop.

Process of making the Logo, made in photoshop.

proceso 3.jpg

Image Direction


Image Direction


Banner Proposal



There is a new contest with designing maybe yóu will like to join in and win

How adorable, thanks for the information.