I Became a Pet Groomer Today.

in Hive Pets3 months ago

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It's been two months, and I still haven't cut my pet dog's hair. He couldn't get a haircut because the vet where we usually cut his hair is in Manaoag,Pangasinan. I would like to give him a haircut, but my companion, who I often go with when I get my pet's hair cut, has a job, and he was busy. That's why my dog's hair has grown.

My plan is to grow his hair long again, but I am worried about his health and my room as I saw some fleas on his body. Actually, he didn't have fleas before, but because he was playing with my sister's boyfriend's pets when we traveled to their place, he was infected.

That's why, this afternoon, while it was raining and we had no electricity, I decided to cut his hair using my grandma's scissors (which Grandma really doesn't want me to use because she is worried that I might break it. Because the scissors that I borrowed from her were for the cloth's fabric only.).

While cutting his hair, I am worried that my dog will bite me. I am glad because he is obedient while I am cutting his hair. Maybe he is aware that he needs a new haircut because the weather is so hot now that the summer is approaching in our country.


I am not that good at cutting pets's hair. I only have a scissor here, so it's not that nice. But, at least, my dog's hair now looks clean again and is not so messy. I really dislike his hair being tangled because he always licks and scratches the itch.


I started cutting his hair at 4:00 p.m. today and it's not finished yet. I still need to cut his hair on his head, neck, and feet. I surrendered when he didn't like to cut his hair on his head, and my patience couldn't handle his attitude anymore, so I decided to cut it tomorrow, or maybe when he's asleep later.

By the way, after I cut his hair, I cleaned up the mess inside my room. I am worried that his fleas are in every corner of my room now, so I also sprayed pesticide inside my room to make sure that the fleas in my room would die. Fleas are not only dangerous to our furbabies; they are also dangerous to us, hoomans, so it's really important for us as pet owners to pay attention to our furbabies coats if there's a flea to prevent it from multiplying and spreading.

And while typing these words right now, I laughed when my dog looked at me with a very disappointed look.


Maybe because he is, he couldn't believe it that his hair was cut like that, so I told him that it's his fault. If only he had been obedient enough when I cut his hair earlier, it would not have turned like that. LOL

He hasn't had a bath yet, so I plan to tomorrow after his haircut.

How about you? Do you cut your pet's hair too?

Thanks for reading!

DATE: May 29, 2024


AJAJAJAJ, pero se ve muy bien jsjsjsj está lindo , 😻🐶

Thank you! heheuntitled.gif