Max’s favourite toy!

in Hive Pets3 years ago


Minki and Max have now officially been our little Chihuahua fur babies for 1 whole year! We adopted our two sibling favourites from the Animal Anti Cruelty League and gave them a whole new life.

A year ago they got to go on their first holiday with us shortly after we had brought them home and now a year later, we took them on another little roadtrip.



Minki and Max were so well behaved in the car for the entire 8 hour drive. They slept on their furry blankets most of the way and watched the world go by through the windows the rest of the time.


But they were very happy to be home a week later. I think they love the consistency of home and having our family around most of the time.


But this blog is really about Max and his favourite toy! Last Christmas we happened to get this silly string of sausages at a secret Santa party and it was one of the best things we could have brought home. Max was addicted to them immediately and they are the only toy that loves playing with.

Here’s a video of Max playing fetch with his string of sausages.

After all that play he was pooped and took a nap on my favourite chair in the late afternoon sunshine.


We love our furry babies to bits and have loved celebrating them this last week. They have enriched our lives and I know that they are spoilt rotten.

Here’s to loving our let’s well and giving them the best we possibly can.

