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RE: DOMAIN OFFLINE - will come BACK as SOON as the domain provider solved this failure

[@PowerPaul:] I should change the provider as soon as possible. Not funny, because to register the domain at a new provider (but right now I can't obtain the Auth Code to move the regular way) I have to pay the domain again - and a .ceo has kind of salty price tag. To pay it at X, use it for 4 days there and move to another provider and pay again... salty...

Plus the regular way would be I have to pay a 150 USD at the domain registry office for bringing it back... I expect the domain provider will carry this costs, because it is clearly his fault... But I will see so as soon as the support answers me...

Damn, such a shitty kind of provider. What is going on there? They have a task which they can do in auto-mode but they suck... and this company exist since yeeaaaars - so they had enough time to arrange a managment... Damn, they do a more bad job than I do within my doings... Respect! Really not easy to do so...




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