update on my CryptoCompany-Empire-to-be

Hello CCCEO-community!

It is time for an update on my way to build up a new stream of income through CryptoCompanyCEO.
My plan is to accumulate SQM little by little with earnings from other games like splinterlands, risingstar and so on...

My progress this week is merely little, because I kept all my splinterlands-assets in the game and might be doing so until the the next part of the land-expansion. Also dcity generated less than before, because my tactics there is getting homeless people and immigrants to train them in job centers and selling them afterwards if it is not an architect or scientist (usually 1k SIM per week) but I did not get any of those cards to train them. Still the students and young citizens I got instead will come in handy later.
I delegated 10HP to ccceo-invest on top of my delegation to cryptocompany.
Therefore I made about 50CCD in earnings. On top of some SQM buying on the open market I stand at:
2,5 SQM
3463 CCD
That means 1,5 SQM to go until July...should be easy if I could speed up the current pace a little

Happy weekend to all of you! <3