Risingstar Daily Completed Missions.

in Indiaunited11 months ago

It's been 448 days since I started listening to Rising Star music.

I am a fan of playing Rising Star.

I always start my morning with Rising Star.

My Rising Star Level is reaching on 104.This Level is Playing.

Ego% is 0%.

I currently have total 409 Cards in my Rising Star Game now.

Here are some of the things I did in 448 days:

Column 1Column 2
Total Fans13380
Total Luck3347
Total Skill35299
Total IM282
Total Card409

My skills are always improving.

Today and Yesterday, I Played Below,

3Mid Week Support1
9Radio Studio Session1
13Local Mini Tour Support3
15Band Rehearsal1
23Orchestral Lesson1

I fininshed 7 Missions Today and Yesterday.

Let everyone know that Rising Star is a must-try Blockchain game for the future.

Play with your precious time in "Rising Star" music game.

I am so happy to play about this game.

A total of 3248 missions have been completed.

So I sharing Total Mission below.

NoNameTotal Mission
1Illegal Busking243
2Open Mic Night273
3Mid Week Support151
4Licensed Busking23
5Midweek Headline Slot18
6Saturday Support14
7Saturday Headline86
8Radio Interview199
9Radio Studio Session105
10Shopping Mall Performance53
11Record A Demo20
12Local Festival Acoustic Tent96
13Local Mini Tour Support771
14Band Auditions61
15Band Rehearsal128
16Halloween 202217
17A Elfy Dose Of Christmas7
18Promote Fan Club41
19Record Signing55
20Egg Hunt3
21STARBITS Millionaire100
22Guitar Lesson76
23Orchestral Lesson29
24Basic Singing Lesson349
25Production Lesson134
26Piano Lesson83
27Drum Lesson120

Currently, I am buying and collecting Risingstar cards.

Friends, please share how you bought Rocards and how things progressed.

Thank you very much for your attention to the letter.

We meet again in the next game.

Have a great day everyone.


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