in Indiaunited29 days ago (edited)

It has been said since the beginning of time that; the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step forward, I am happy I was able to take that step years ago, sometimes I wonder what would have become of me if hadn't taken that single step two years ago what would have become of me if I had doubted that opportunity. the question remains; what would have become of me??...

I remember how I and everything was before joining the hive blockchain two years ago, I was okay to an extent. The difference between the life I had then and now is the comfort and joy that comes from working from home, and that too without a boss or a particular resumption time in mind...

I joined the hive blockchain with so many hopes and expectations, at first it felt impossible to achieve what I wanted, but after spending some time on the chain, I realized it was possible and all that was needed was my utmost dedication, consistency, and hard work...

I realized if I wanted more from Hive, I would have to give my all to get it, thanks to the motivation from my mentor I drafted out a couple of things I will need for my work to be easy and fun...

One of the things I needed for a start was a good device to make my blogging experience less stressful and more interesting...

One year ago hive brought that dream of mine to pass, last year I got myself a new device to make my work more enjoyable, I got an iPhone XR, and since then blogging has become more interesting and easy...

The joy and happiness that came with the purchase of a new phone were endless and beautiful, after that, I decided to add another thing to the list, seeing as my mentor Burl has a PC, I went on a vacation to his place and while I was there, I got to experience the joy that comes from owning and work on PC...

I decided to add a new PC to my list that year and since then I started working towards it, a lot of things happened and I happened to postpone the plan of getting a new PC last year. I had to settle some bills and that was how my savings ran out...

This year I promised myself I was going to get a new PC by all means, no matter the cost, and at the end of everything, it cost me some power down. As some of you might have realized I was powering down weeks ago, the reason for my powering down was to get a PC for myself, guess what friends, it's done, and now my blogging tools are very much complete...

In summary, a new PC is on the way, and now my tools are complete, thanks to my guy I was able to get something good for a good price, which I believe will serve its purpose big time...

In conclusion, I have all the tools I need for work, and now I just have to keep working nonstop to rebuild my hive power. Thanks to the hive blockchain, I was able to achieve this much in just 2 years. Hive is truly a blessing for all of us...

NB; all images are owned unless stated otherwise...


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations, boss.

Thanks bossman 😂

Who is your boss? 😑



Your welcome