in Indiaunited16 days ago (edited)

It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story. - Patrick Rothfuss…


The question of who i am in the virtual world is indeed a very big and complex question, and that is because of how i have built my identity in the virtual world for the last couple of years. I joined the virtual world long time ago, it’s more than a decade if i am not mistaken though. Prior to the hive blockchain i have joined and interacted with many other people in other platforms, but amidst all the platforms i have joined, hive still remains the best of them all, its very different compared to the others…

When it comes to response, chats and engagement, my identity in the virtual world is not really much different from that of the real world, i can be anything and anyone in the virtual world, it all the depends on the platform, the people around me and also the level of my closeness with those people, only those i share deep bond of friends with would likely know me quite well but to the others, it’s just a little bit here and there…

There are also situations where I personally reveal my identity myself, this is mostly due to the kind of energy and vibes i get from the people i am engaging with in that world, when i see people who share the same energy and vibes with me, i automatically reveal myself to them, and that to an extent… Hive is a very big example of the scenario, I don’t think i am anonymous on hive, my pictures are everywhere on the chain, even most of my friends on hive whom I engage with on discord knows me, and will be able to say quite a few things about me…

I am not really a fan of anonymity, i like leaving my presence everywhere i go and find myself, be it virtual world or in reality, i am who I am and who i choose to be…

Enough dabbling, now let’s move to the question asked…


I am known as many things in the virtual world, there is my real name, initials combination, and several nicknames given to me by my friends on hive, out of everything, the name that stands is Fox

Fox is an identity I created for myself aside that of my real username quduus1, i was given this name by a hiver but after a while another friend of mine tushed it up to foxy, ever since then it’s been foxy or fox…


Fox is an upcoming writer, he is very playful, serious and jovial. He is a consistent writer and a lover of new ideas and techniques, simple and short…

When it comes to creating a virtual identity, I think the main purpose of creating a virtual identity is not just to have an identity online but for people to be able to say one or two things about you to others, even if it’s mostly not much of a fact, at-least there is an atom of fact. A virtual identity should be able to describe you based on your personality and mode of association online…

Having a virtual identity doesn’t mean everything about you has to be known to everyone in the virtual world, it’s just a means for these people to know one or two things about you, at least to convince them you aren’t a ghost, that’s just it, simple and short…

In summary, I think having a virtual identity is quite cool, especially for those who love being anonymous and secretive lol, at least it gives off the feeling of sharing something in common…



When it comes to privacy, a lot of us out there value our privacy big time, I have not seen anyone who jokes with his or her privacy, the term privacy means not for meant for two or more eyes

I take my privacy very serious, i only share what i am comfortable sharing, you can’t force me to share something i don’t want to share and you can’t invade my privacy without a reason, i only open up when the need be…

I can go to any lengths to keep my privacy safe, though I can’t cause harm to my friends or others for invading my privacy but the thing i can do is to cut them off big time, I alone can decide to whom I want to share my privacy with, it’s not by force…

The reason why most of us take our privacy seriously is because of intruders and noisy neighbors, people that can’t keep and maintain their boundaries, they don’t respect boundaries almost all the time, those people are termed goats…

In summary, many people out there create a virtual identity because of intruders, and also because they want to maintain their anonymity in the online world…

In conclusion, virtual identities aren’t bad, I think it’s the best way to keep one’s anonymity in the online world, at-least there won’t be invasion of privacy…

So that is that on virtual identity, privacy, this is my entry to the INLEO May daily prompt; day 16. This is an interesting initiative, you should take part in it, it's on friends...

NB; the images used are owned except the sourced image…


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Now I understand you better, first time am seeing Your face sir.

Lol, thanks brother

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striking a balance between both worlds is actually a skill.

No doubt dear, thanks for stopping by dear