in Indiaunited • last month (edited)

Sitting down quietly in an open space, gazing at the beauty of the blue sky, thinking about life In every bit of way and all I could ever think of were the beautiful moments I spent and shared with my friends many years ago in high school…

The crazy moments we shared, the annoying and childish things we did together , and the love we shared with each other were one of a kind, i never knew life could be so unfair to us in many ways, at least i had thought the bond we shared towards each other would be forever, little did I know life had something else in stored for us….

There is a saying in my place that goes like this, i will be sharing it in both my native language and also in english. The saying goes like this; Ogun omode o le sere fun ogun odun, and in english language this saying means 20 children can not play for 20 years…

This is a saying i grew up listening to from my parents and other elders of my community, each time they utter this statement, i never understood the deep meaning behind the phrase and always smiled whenever they say it, but with time, and as i grew much older and more mature in the understanding of my native language, i gradually started grasping the meaning of the phrase bit by bit. Still yet i never believed in it…

The young me thought i and my friends would be together forever, there was a time i and my friends in our younger years thought of going to the same tertiary institution, all because of the bond we shared with each other…

Life stood by the corner and kept smiling at our childishness and immature thoughts. Gradually as time passes, everything started falling into place, I started loosing my childhood friends to things like change of location and other things, it was then I started seeing facts in the saying of my parents and the elders…

I kept going in the direction life tosses me too, i became a high schooler and made new set of friends, we grew to love each other and also learned to fight over the littlest of things, I guess this was our way of expressing love…

Thinking i have eventually gotten to my bus stop of ending beautiful bonds, I never knew that was the beginning of the continuation, after high school the bond, communication, friendship and love lasted for weeks…

I planned on proving my parents and the elders of my community wrong by telling them to their faces that some children can indeed play together for 20 years without breaking up, this was my intention before graduating high school…

Weeks after our graduation, we maintained the bond and kept the communication intact, months later, everything started changing, and it felt like the good times were slowly slipping away…

3 months after graduation life separated us from each other and kept us preoccupied with different things, the friendship we once shared started drying out slowly, the more time we spend apart, the more we grew further apart…

In summary, it’s been 4 years now and things aren’t the same way as it was back then in high school, i hardly know who my friends are anymore, many of them have changed for the better and some for the worst. I guess the saying 20 children can not play for 20 years is indeed factual after all….

In conclusion, i have grown to accept this fact of life, and I’ve decided to move on with the hope that one day my friends who’ve indeed gone astray will one day find their way back home, until then i will keep doing what i know how to do best, which is writing and sharing my thoughts aloud…


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