Gender as an advantage or Disadvantages

in Indiaunited28 days ago

Hello and Namaste everyone

The world is changing and things are getting better in many ways. I mean to say technology is evolving and we are getting better and more innovative solutions for many things around us. The level of Education is also improving in many countries and some of the countries have gone way ahead which is great. India is one of the countries where the level of education is improving with each passing year but still, certain challenges are there. People who live in the country have to deal with it sometimes but not necessarily that it happens with everyone.


Now if I talk about the advantages or disadvantages of gender-specific, I have never faced it. But I know some of the people who have gone through this problem in their lives. For example one of my friends has always been treated lower than her brothers because in her family boys are given more value. It is something not new in India I can say but luckily it was not part of my life because my parents have always treated boys and girls the same way. They never did any type of discrimination based on gender and they always tried to provide death of Education to all my brothers and sisters.

People face some disadvantages at the workplace also. Recently one of my friends has gone through a disadvantage because of the gender. I will explain what has happened to her. She applied for a job but she did not get the offer even after clearing all the rounds because, in the end, she disclosed that she was pregnant by a couple of months. In India, most companies do not hire women who are pregnant because they know after a few months they will go on maternity leave which will be six months. The government has increased maternity leave to six months a few years back so most of the employers are not okay to pay for this. They try to avoid hiring such employees as much as possible so that they can save on the cost and because of this, my friend did not get the job. Although she was not even pregnant by three months so there was ample amount of time that she could contribute to work.


Skill and talent are not gender specific but in this case, my friend did not get the job because she is a female and because she will need maternity leave. It's a natural process that happens with everyone and there is nothing wrong because everyone wants to be a parent but when it comes to money then people become practical and they do not want to hire someone who falls into this category. Later my friend got the job and she has still not gone on maternity leave because there is still enough time but she felt bad because even after clearing the interview round she was not given the offer later just because she was pregnant. I think it's a problem with society that people try to find ways to escape themselves just for the sake of money which I think is not right. So it's a disadvantage as a gender for her and as I already mentioned I have never been part of such a situation ever and I hope such things never happen to me.

In the corporate world some people also get the advantage for some specific gender but I have never witnessed it in my life. I just got to know from one of my neighbors recently that one girl was promoted at his workplace even though she was not deserving and she joined later before him but instead of promoting that man, the Lady got the opportunity. As per him, it is based on gender because the supervisor was more inclined with her instead of him and this is another gender advantage for that lady but a disadvantage for that man at the workplace. I'm not sure about other countries but in India, it happens so depending on the situation you can get some advantages or disadvantages according to your gender.

This is my participation post for Initiative: May Monthly Prompt

Thank you so much
Stay safe

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So nice content and so many days after I logged in hive when ever saw your post it's really unique and valuable information and content

Thank you so much for your encouraging words @cryptomasthan

It's only a problem in patriarchal countries. I hope the world will be more educated and would at merits instead of what is between someone's legs.

The world surely needs to be more educated so that people think beyond gender bias.

But from the looks of it, as education and awareness for rights spread, we are heading towards that direction.

The question is how long before we arrive there. Hopefully, sooner than later.

Things are improving for sure and hopefully, in some years, we can see it visible around us. I agree that Hopefully, sooner than later.

Hopefully in our lifetime or in our children's lifetime 😊