DIY Adventure

in Indiaunitedlast month

I love my peace and I would not entertain anything that would jeopardize that.
This image

Being in high school is draining but being a senior in high school could lead to mental illness. Since my parent weren't the type to pay attention to a child’s mental health, I have decided to take it upon myself to never joke about my mental health at a young age.

“You have to make those strings equal! Except you want to Kill us!”

“Okay. Okay. What else do I need to do?”

“Tie the loose ends of the strings together, creating a central point.”

“Kylie, I have no idea what that means.”

“Like this, dumbass!!”

The conversation went on for a few more seconds, disrupting my peace and that irked me so much.

I always enjoyed the breeze on the rooftop which made me feel I was closer to nature, especially the sky than anyone else. It was usually quiet. I mean, no one wants to feel the sanity the rooftop brings like I do but this afternoon seems to be different.

I flickered my eyes open with annoyance boiling from the deepest part of my being as I walked towards the voices I heard.

As I got a bit closer to where they were, I stood a few feet away from them and neither of the three girls noticed my presence.

I let out a deep breath with my hands resting on my waist before I spoke in a loud voice.

“Hey!! What the hell do you guys think you’re doing here?!” they looked back towards me, startled.

Their eyes were fixed on me for the longest I can recall without blinking before one of them walked forward, standing firm, reflecting my posture.

“Wha…what do you mean by that?” she asked me but she looked back at her friends for some motivation and they nodded in approval before she looked back at me, waiting for my response.

I scoffed with a smirk on my face as I took three steps forward so that now, we were just a few feet away. I could see the fear she was trying to mask with boldness in her eyes.

“This is my territory. You are trespassing!” my voice carried a ton of weight that seemed to resonate throughout the rooftop which kind of shocked me. Her other friends got up hurriedly and stood by her sides.

“We, we are just doing our project. It’s a DIY project for our fun fair! We aren’t doing anything wrong,” the second girl replied.

My look softened a bit as I took curious steps forward while they took fidgeting steps backwards.

As I got closer to the said DIY project, I looked over at them as they watched me with confusion. I looked back at the project and then back at their face.

“Are you a junior?” I asked the first girl that spoke.

“Yes. We are all juniors,” she replied softly.

“I’m a senior,” I retorted and they nodded slowly.

I looked away from them before bending on my toes.

“You don’t use a fabric as thick as this for a parachute. You use something thin. You can in fact make use of a plastic bag,” they stood still behind me which caused me to look up at their shocked faces.

“Aren’t you gonna join me to fix this?” I asked and they looked at each other’s faces before giggling and joining me.

We worked together for hours, attaching a paper clip to the bottom of the strings.

“I think we are good to go!” I said to them and they nodded with a broad smile on their faces.

“Are you sure it's perfect now?” the one which I have found out to be Penelope asked.

“We can only find out by testing it, making sure it falls slowly and steadily.”

“Who’s gonna test it?” Kylie asked.

They looked at each other's faces, unsure of who it should be.

“I think Sarah should test it. She is the senior,” Julian said.

“Me?” I retorted and they all nodded.

I let out a deep breath before finally nodding.

“Alright, alright.”

I took the straps and held the strings so that the upper part was floating in the air and soon, I was dangling in the air. Though it was unstable for a while.

The weather seemed to be right and the breeze helped the parachute. I was in the air away from the rooftop now while Penelope, Kylie and Julia were cheering me on.

I was really excited for real.

It went on for about twenty minutes when it began to be unstable, wobbling to the side like I was gonna fall.

It unsteadily got closer to the ground and when I was in mid-air, it began to wobble vigorously.

Fear gripped me and the shout from the three of them wasn’t helping but I saw them rushing away from the rooftop.

Soon, I landed heavily on the ground, grazing my elbow and my knee on the rough ground.

As the girls got to me, rushed over and helped me up.

“Thank goodness it wasn’t more than this,” Kylie said.

“Thank goodness it wasn’t during school time!” Penelope and Julian said in unison.

Out of nowhere, I busted out laughing and they all joined.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of May. The topic is "DIY project that went wrong". You can join here. This is the calendar
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You are very creative with Fiction story, I enjoyed reading this 😊

Thank you, Mike

 last month (edited) 

You sha… from george now to Sarah. You no Dey get better ending 😂.
When you lived as George you lost your papa job to strangers. Now you be sarah again, you went to test parachute 🪂 😂. I don’t know when you turn pilot.

Anyways it a nice diy and I really loved the fact that you are so courageous to test the diy proving to be a senior to those juniors.

Let me confess will you teach me how to write non fictions?


I can take up any form and shape that I want na. I am water. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yes ooo, those juniors need to know who their senior is 😁😁😁

Let me confess will you teach me how to write non fictions?

I tried nonfiction a few times, I couldn't do it well. Fiction is my strength 🥺

SuperSara to the rescue!

Make me sweat! Make me water! Make me lose my way!

Next time if you want to prove seniority. Go fly from 20 story building. That’s when I can accept you as my own senior. If not pack well oo.

So are you willing to teach me what you are good at?

Hehe! My joy is the it is your who helped the girls in making the parachute and it is still you who fell down from it😂😜☺️🏃🏃🏃