Freedom and Deception

in Indiaunited2 months ago

“Let it be known that I spoke up and fought for my freedom. Let it be known that I didn't let them win but I’m going back to my shell so peace can reign.”
He was standing high on the podium like a warrior after a victorious battle with his palm balled in a fist raised in the air like one.

“Darren, you have done well,” someone from the crowd said in the loudest voice amidst the tons of murmuring which had developed to be noise now.

Darren nodded before he was helped down from the stage.

“When is the next protest?” he asked one of the men who were following him as he walked away from the crowd towards his car.

“There’s one going on right now at the West Coast and another tomorrow. It was said by the committee to be shifted till next month when the Governor will be out for his campaign,” he explained.

“No. No. The protest shouldn’t be pushed to clash with the campaign. That would be an avenue for them to convince the public that we’re the tyrants they paint us to be,” Darren explained and the man nodded.

As Darren got to the car, he rested his hands on the car roof and turned his head to the side to face his P.A. It was much quieter here now than before.

“John, gather your men and explain the importance of this movement to them. We are not tyrants, we just seek our freedom. We are bonafide citizens of this state and we have every single right to speak for what we want. Youth would no longer be killed for seeking justice. Women would no longer be an object to be used for a demeaning advertisement for immorality. We would be fathers to our children and better husbands to our wives. Our daughters would no longer be taken from us at their early stage to be used to promote indecency. This is our aim and we would not be silenced. Remember this. I am going now but will be back before they even notice I am gone. I cannot be silenced, we cannot be silenced!”

John nodded and added points to buttress facts. I patted his shoulder before nodding and getting into my car.

The town had turned upside down and as the youth leader, I had to do something as fast as I could but they saw me as a threat and I had been solely withheld from holding or heading any form of protest either peaceful or otherwise.

I looked outside my car window as John stood by with three other men waiting for me to ignite the car.

I believe John was more than capable of handling things while I was away.

I ignited the car engine and drove off.

The loud voices from the TV and outside my place woke me up. I stretched and turned in bed before grabbing my glasses and placing them on the bridge of my nose.

Sarah was not in bed beside me which awoke my worries. My wife was always in bed since I always woke up before she did.

I turned the TV volume down and hurried out of the bedroom to where the voices were coming from.

As I got outside the room into the corridor, the walls of my bedroom seemed to have concealed the vociferous of the voices compared to how audible it was now as I got closer to them.

“Please, leave. He has nothing to do with all these. Those who were involved acted solely on their decision,” I heard Sarah say as she tried to suppress the mob.

As I got outside and stood on the porch before I could look around to know who these people were, the camera flashlight blinded my sight, making me squint and shield my eyes with my palm.

“Mr Darren Brown, do you concede to the formulation of the upcoming protest that tends to be held the same day as the Governor’s campaign as against his second tenure of office?”

“Mr Brown, what exactly is your motive for the people? Are you for them or against them?”

“If the protest is to be held on the same day as the campaign, do you think it will lead to hearing your pain points? Do you think it is more effective?”

“Mr Brown…”

“Mr Darren Brown, do you think this is a tyrannical move because lots of your followers are beginning to think so, including your P.A., Mr John Davis!”

I was bombarded with tons of questions that I was overwhelmed but the last statement got my attention.

“Please, we have nothing to do with this,” my wife said as she held my wrist and we turned around to walk back inside the house while the voices became louder, the camera clicks filled my ears and the flashlight blinded my sight.

This was a story of freedom of speech and the press. My aim was jeopardized by the betrayal of someone I trusted so much, John Davis.

A few days later, I found out John Davis was the one who painted me as the town terrorist who was planning to protest on the same day of the campaign. In his ruthless words, I was getting pompous and there was an expiration to the power I had which in turn he was the best to lead the youth.

“Sarah, I thought I was helping the people but I guess I wasn't after all,”

“You did what every leader was meant to do. You are a great man,” Sarah replied as she placed the cup of tea on the table.

I looked over at her. It has been ten years since the whole thing happened. I watched the TV wearily, watching John leading a protect. Ten years ago the freedom we sought wasn’t achieved and today, it still remains so.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of May. The topic is "Freedom of Speech, Press....". You can join here. This is the calendar
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Great write-up! Sometimes betrayal come from the people we hold dearest to us and those we hold to high esteem.

Thanks. It's the dynamics of life,sadly

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