in Indiaunited4 months ago

Hi India United Community,
It's been four months since I came to this paltform #hive and also started to use #ecency and since then I explored few things here like #tribaldex and #hive-engine and also few games like #terracore and #holozing.

I post on this community and notice people share #splinterlands, #golemoverlord, and #terracore the most.

I know splinterlands is not a easy game, it requires skills as well as #investment so that is not the option for me and remember it is not because the game is not good but because I think I am not fit for that game.


That leaves me to two options and that is #terracore and #golemoverlord as holozing is yet to launch and I am involved in that via #liquidity-pools and some #art work of mine.

In case of the other two games I want to start playing one of them and I want to ask people which can be a good option for me. If none of them is good then also share that with me with reasons so that I can take good decision.

I can spend upto 40-50 #hive only be it any game on hive that is what I have the max to put in a game. I know there are many more games as well so you can suggest me those but I hope they are not tough like Splinterlands.


The game should work in a mid specification PC or mobile as that is what I have and so any high quality game like cryptoshots is not for me right now.

So share the opinion of which game I can join and why, I will wait for readers to suggest me some good things.

Thanks for being part of this blog of mine.


I am just waiting for holozing as both these games you mentioned are now old.

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