My first job: Braiding hair in Ibadan

in Indiaunited3 days ago

My first money-making experience happened when I was 16, living in Ibadan, Nigeria. It was during the long holiday after my SS2 exams. As the lastborn of five children, I was eager to contribute something to my family's income, just like my older siblings did.

My opportunity came when my aunt, who ran a small hair braiding business from her veranda, asked if I wanted to learn and help out. I jumped at the chance, excited to learn a skill and possibly earn some money.

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I still remember my first day at Aunty Bisi's place. The air was filled with the scent of hair cream and the chatter of women. Aunty Bisi showed me how to part hair neatly and start a simple cornrow. My fingers felt clumsy at first, and I was so nervous I could hardly breathe.

My first customer was a young girl about my age. As I started braiding, my hands were shaking. The girl winced a few times when I pulled too hard, and I apologized profusely. It took me nearly three hours to finish a style that should have taken one. I was sure the girl would complain, but to my surprise, she smiled at the result.

As days went by, I improved. I learned to braid faster and neater. I enjoyed chatting with the customers, hearing the latest gist about life in our area. Some days were tough, especially when customers complained about the price or weren't satisfied with their style. I learned to be patient and to always try my best.

The most challenging part was standing for hours under the hot sun. My back would ache, and my fingers would cramp. But seeing the satisfied smiles of customers made it worthwhile. I felt proud every time someone admired my work.

At the end of each week, Aunty Bisi would give me a portion of the earnings. The first time I received money, I couldn't stop smiling. It wasn't much, but it was mine - earned with my own hands and effort.

Looking back, I don't think making money was easy or hard - it was both. The physical work was tiring, and dealing with different customers could be stressful. But there was joy in creating beautiful hairstyles and earning my own money.

This experience taught me valuable lessons. I learned the importance of skill, patience, and good customer service. I understood the value of money in a new way, knowing how much work went into earning each Naira.

Most importantly, it gave me confidence. As a young girl in Nigeria, it felt empowering to have a skill that could earn money. It opened my eyes to the possibility of being financially independent someday.

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