My parents: my biggest source of inspiration

in Indiaunited23 days ago

Goodday everyone, this is my my first time posting here.
Inspiration comes to people in different ways and at different times, some people become inspired by their wife for married people, some become inspired by the sight of the ocean or forest and the likes.

Image is mine
For me, my parents are my biggest source of inspiration. Growing up, I witnessed their tireless work ethics, unwavering love and support,theie determination and love for our family.

My dad came from a very humble beginning. He couldn't further his education because his parents could not pay his fees and no money for him to learn work. But this did not stop him from working hard, he did odd jobs to raise money and went to Lagos state in Nigeria to learn work and after learning work he established himself and employed people to work under him.

Hearing his story of humble beginning and seeing him where he is today really inspired me, through hard work and perseverance. He instilled in me the value of hard work and the importance of not giving up on your goals, no matter how difficult the situation may be.

My mom on the other hand was an epitome of strength and selflessness. Despite facing numerous challenges, going to school and also going to work. She taught me the importance of compassion, kindness and the power of a positive attitude.

I can still remember waking up some nights only to see her studying her books for a test or exam that she has the following day, she only had nights to do the study because during the day, we are awake and everywhere was noisy. Her unwavering love and support have been my foundation, there I built my own sense of self worth and confidence.

My parents have taught me lessons about perseverance and the importance of family. They taught me that with hard work, determination and living support system, anything is possible.

Their journey has not been easy, but they did not let challenges put them down. Instead they used it to fuel themselves to move forward always strivubg for a better tomorrow. Their commitment to my family has been a constant source of inspiration to me.

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