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RE: Dear Hive-Australians -- seeking some guidance in regards to crypto-tax!

Ugh, taxes. A while ago, I wrote an article about it for how I'm now handeling it, but that's based on what I managed to find out about the rules here in the Netherlands. Basically, I now write down the values in fiat of whatever I claim when I claim it, which means I only claim my rewards once or twice a month most times, because it's such a hassle. I can declare all of that as extra income later, whether I turn it into fiat or not. Aside from that, I have to write down my crypto holdings in fiat value on the first of january to declare that as assets. So my Hive (and Steemit) account value, exchange values and wallet values.

I'm not sure if this helps you with your issue at all, but maybe some of it will look familiar, or it might help you get organized in the future.

It's all fun and games, until you earn enough to actually cash out and make the 'government' aware. They are certainly great at making things complicated!


Basically, I now write down the values in fiat of whatever I claim when I claim it, which means I only claim my rewards once or twice a month most times, because it's such a hassle.

That might be something I'll need to start doing! I've been talking to some guy from the ATO on their website, and my last question was something to the tune of: "Well, let's say I have 1000 transactions. Some of which are 10cents, others may be $40. Do I need to put every one of those transactions as their own separate CGT acquisition?"

Anndddd am currently waiting for an answer. And I'm bracing myself for the inevitable, "Yep. That's exactly what you got to do." I mean, sure, if they really want to read all 1000 odd tiny acquisitions. LOL.

Apparently if I didn't turn it into AUD, HIVE acquisition in the "rewards" manner (not the staking manner) is simply a Personal Use Asset and doesn't need to be declared. So that's good to know, at least.

Still. Ugh.

How do you stop yourself from claiming every day? XD I see the button and I'm just, push it, more power. POWER! 😅 Guess I'd better stop doing that, just for this. Forevermore.

Yeah, the money's rolling in all day and all night here on Hive! Very frustrating if you have to write that all down, so I'm hoping the moments of claiming are enough. It's the only workable thing really. And yes, it is frustrating to wait with claiming! If there's a big reward waiting, I do sometimes claim inbetween, but then I have to write it all down again. Ugh, so much work!

I'm still not sure about Hive Power. I mean, I have to declare all of my crypto holdings, but Hive and HBD are crypto's, HP isn't... although it's basically the same as Hive, you just don't have instant access to it. So confusing...